Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [pron] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No one ever gave me the slightest inkling that they thought any different than me at the recording sessions and things like that .
2 I 'd rather have that than nothing at
3 However , a combination of the limestone subsoil and the profusion of rivers , canals , lakes and reservoirs reduces Champagne 's water requirement ( due to low evaporation ) , making 662 millimetres of rainfall relatively heavier than it at first appears .
4 The second wife and her two daughters hated Vasilissa because she was so pretty and obedient , because her father loved her best , and , above all , because she was much more skilful than they at making lace , at spinning , and at knitting stockings .
5 This is not quite as straightforward as it at first appears .
6 ‘ From … from what I gathered from the nurse it was n't as serious as they at first thought .
7 However , we believe that readers will come to understand by the end of the book that combining the two stories is not as easy as it at first seems .
8 ‘ Bob , I understand now that nothing in life is as easy as it at first seems , and that being in love is a condition which can cause one a great deal of pain .
9 I think this woman with the three grown-up sons is not younger than me at all , but almost certainly older .
10 Critics of the firm as a cooperative family have produced a more penetrating assessment of Japanese industrial relations which shows them to be less unique than they at first appear .
11 It is not clear at present exactly what the rules are in such cases , nor whether the choices of readings are as clear-cut as they at first seem .
12 One reason why the shift in emphasis to the broader question of determinism is less helpful than it at first appears is that ‘ the problem of determinism ’ itself lacks a clear formulation , and the difficulty of saying exactly what it consists in is reflected in attempts to relate it to holism .
13 I am better than them at other things .
14 But they ca n't keep us down forever 'cause we 're going to show whites that we 're better than them at their own game .
15 Roy Nash ( 1973 , p. 17 ) discovered that pupils as young as eight years were able to say which children in the class were better than them at reading , writing and number ; and their self-perceived class rank correlated highly with the rankings made by the teacher at the researcher 's request ( and therefore not explicitly available hitherto for communication to the children ) .
16 Well , if you 'ave 'im two days at a time , it 's better than nowt at all in n it .
17 Get talking to people over a few drinks ; you 're better than me at that sort of thing . ’
18 They are better than me at some things .
19 I can diagnose tonsillitis , there 's an ENT surgeon who is far better than me at that ; I can diagnose appendicitis , hearts , whatever you can think of , there 's someone who is much better than me at it and these people are all now available to the population .
20 I can diagnose tonsillitis , there 's an ENT surgeon who is far better than me at that ; I can diagnose appendicitis , hearts , whatever you can think of , there 's someone who is much better than me at it and these people are all now available to the population .
21 I can tell you something , Alex is a lot better than me at it .
22 It was n't an ideal situation , but it was educational provision of a sort , and local people thought that was better than nothing at all which was what the girl was being offered at the time by the authorities .
23 This is that a homeland with secure borders , however small , is better than nothing at all .
24 But a small sample for comparison is better than nothing at all .
25 Mind you , I suspect she 'll only stay ashore for a couple of hours , but that 's better than nothing at all . ’
26 No he was n't as , as , strong-wise he was hitting as well as you , but he was he was n't as , much better than you at all .
27 Even the most tenuous thread of story is infinitely better than none at all .
28 Even one night with Patrick Kelly was better than none at all .
29 A simple , rudimentary , half-cocked eye/ear/ echolocation system/cuckoo parasitism system , etc. , is better than none at all .
30 Half a love surely had to be better than none at all ?
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