Example sentences of "[adj] [num] in the " in BNC.

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1 In relation to its national income the UK has had a disproportionately very large number of companies among the largest 500 in the world [ Prais , 1976 ] .
2 The 31-year-old from Malahide near Dublin lies 131st in this season 's money list and if he fails to move into the top 120 in the two months that remain he will have to go to the European tour qualifying school for the first time .
3 At least on the farm I can work ‘ flexi-time ’ , not like some of the boys who have to be at their civy job at half eight in the morning .
4 My ambition is to progress to the top 300 in the world .
5 Paul , 23 , of Crawley , west Sussex , was on the verge of international stardom , recently coming in the top 30 in the Austrian Open .
6 ( Only one US bank , Citibank NA , currently ranked among the top 30 in the world . )
7 By mid-1989 an estimated 100,000 villagers , displaced by the continuing activities of assorted rebel bands in northern Uganda , had sought refuge in camps in Gulu , with another 50,000 in the surrounding area .
8 In addition to the 35,000 UK personnel already in the Gulf area by the outbreak of hostilities — comprising the main 1st Armoured Division and support , naval and air units — extra servicemen and servicewomen and equipment were deployed to the area during the latter half of January ( including three battalions to guard Iraqi prisoners of war who might be taken ) , bringing the total , when all such forces were in place , to about 42,000 ; there were also another 7,500 in the Mediterranean and in the near east .
9 Amnesty International , the human rights organization , issued a report on Jan. 22 accusing the security forces of responsibility for the deaths of over 1,500 civilians and for the arrest and detention of a further 300 in the period since the Sept. 30 coup .
10 The provision of 26 places in the morning and another 26 in the afternoon is to be discussed by Durham County Council 's schools sub-committee on Wednesday .
11 COURTROOM drama A Few Good Men starring Tom Cruise and Demi Moore , above , took £7 million in three days to beat off opposition from Mel Gibson , Steve Martin and Robin Williams to be No 1 in America 's movie top 10 in the run-up to Christmas .
12 It is a tall order for someone so new to the professional ranks , but one which could never be construed as being beyond a competitor who , as an amateur , tied for second place behind Greg Norman in the Australian Masters at Huntingdale at the start of this season and who also finished in the top 10 in the English Open at The Belfry .
13 Government forces had arrested 734 " bandits " operating in the Gojjam area of north-western Ethiopia and a further 112 in the Wollo area in the north , according to Voice of Ethiopia on Nov. 14 .
14 If their marks are among the top six in the country they 'll be invited to take part in a new two part grand final , with a specialist round on the Saturday and a general fishkeeping knowledge round on the Sunday .
15 If their marks are among the top six in the country they 'll be invited to take part in a new two part grand final , with a specialist round on the Saturday and a general fishkeeping knowledge round on the Sunday .
16 If their marks are among the top six in the country they 'll be invited to take part in a new two part grand final , with a specialist round on the Saturday and a general fishkeeping knowledge round on the Sunday .
17 Men from the ministries including Education and Science , Transport and the Ministry of Defence have rallied round to save their stop-over , which ranks as one of the top six in the town .
18 I 've played in front of Mike Hooper and I believe he is one of the top six in the country .
19 About 60,000 of them remained in Uzbekistan , some 12,000 in the Ferghana valley .
20 Gerry was taught to drive in nineteen forty six in the States , where they , they gone , they 'd gone over to total automatic , and he despised manual gears , thought they were a ridiculous waste of time and effort , said you want to concentrate on the , on the road , not on the car , but then you see Gerry improved himself , he was a
21 Galway 's first success came in 1923 , and they then added a further three in the 80s , 1980 , 1987 , 1988 .
22 Galway 's first success came in 1923 , and they then added a further three in the 80s , 1980 , 1987 , 1988 .
23 In Fleming they have a one-day match winner who can change the course of a game in a few overs , while the first three of Benson , Ward and Taylor are as dependable as any top three in the competition .
24 He 's taken them from the old Fourth to the top three in the First Division .
25 It was quite clear to me that 260,000 people would be reduced very substantially and that for every person who was made redundant in British Steel , seven people were affected — another three in the family , plus the people serving that family in the shops and in other ways .
26 Miller went on to express his admiration for the depth of Leeds resources , saying ‘ They started with 3 internationals in Midfield , then put on another three in the second half ! ! ’
27 Table 7.1 Unionist share of coalition governments , 1915–1922 Cabinet Unionists in Total no. of Total no. of Ministers cabinet ministers Unionists May 1915 22 8 24 9 December 1916 23 13 32 14 January 1919 21 10 30 14 January 1921 21 12 29 14 October 1922 22 11 29 13 The discontent caused by lack of opportunity can be clearly seen in a number of cases , but was a general phenomenon that affected all but the top dozen in the party 's collective leadership .
28 During 1992 GBW established a joint venture agreement with South African Breweries to brew Guinness under licence there — the largest market in Africa and one of the top dozen in the world .
29 Taking the lead against the coalition was a small but implacable group of diehards ; they were never more than a few dozen in the Commons and , although they attracted shifting support on particular issues , they never threatened the coalition majority .
30 After a half-hour programme with Bristol tennis girl Jo Durie , once in the top half dozen in the international ratings , she said it was by far the toughest thing she 'd ever done on television .
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