Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Some drop out is probably inevitable .
2 too old do n't be daft
3 I mean the fact that this come out is that the
4 Extended follow up is needed to evaluate the longterm results .
5 Extended follow up is required , to assess the longterm effects , particularly the stricture recurrence rate after final stent removal .
6 Significant moves to achieve this have already been taken by the Library Association , including , as we have seen , its efforts to amend Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 .
7 Aspects of this have already been surveyed .
8 Some possible reasons for this have already been mentioned .
9 The accounting implications of this have already been discussed in the previous section .
10 Some of the reasons for this have already been mentioned , but there are others as well and the whole lot may be summarised as follows :
11 The sample list of books is equally important , for it disarms criticisms of the kind : ‘ The books involved are obsolete and the shelf space is needed for more modern colourful illustrated books ’ , or ‘ Things like this have always been going on ’ , or ‘ We only get rid of popular novels when the rush is over ’ .
12 Yet a closer look behind these stark figures suggests that the English have not been so peculiarly heartless .
13 Michael Edwards , taking a paradoxical approach , has argued that the English have always been strong on literary theory , instancing a distinguished succession of poet-critics : Sidney , Dryden , Johnson , Wordsworth , Coleridge , Shelley , Arnold , Eliot .
14 To put it another way , the English have always been prepared to let some of their old live alone .
15 The English have always been a little lighter on their feet , a little more amateurish , but the thing that has been happening , I think , is without a doubt the relativization of religion .
16 Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours .
17 Numbers 420 and 427 have not been used for quite some time and will be sold by the MOD as surplus to requirements , perhaps to be purchased by some preserved railway ?
18 The significance however is that the counties where community involvement in the project was strongest have also been the areas producing the most active follow-through .
19 The cases where the relation between stress and infinitesimal strain is linear have already been discussed .
20 The French have generally been more reticent than the Germans on this point , aiming their efforts at economic and monetary union instead .
21 While the French have long been convinced of the value of massage with natural ingredients in the treatment of cellulite , the British are sometimes sceptical .
22 It would have been small consolation to him to know that later , on 22 August , she wrote : ‘ Odiously impertinent , insulting and boastful as the French have always been , one can not help feeling for them . ’
23 Apart from creating a catastrophe point where an extra per cent of votes can theoretically send a party from 15 to 66 per cent of the council ( the French have never been comfortable with simple democracy ) this , also theoretically , gives minority parties a voice .
24 Training modules in the use of ESA-QUEST and CCL have recently been produced at Sheffield .
25 ‘ Assessment arrangements ’ may be ( and some have already been ) prescribed by the Secretary of State .
26 Some have already been mentioned ; others relate to jury trial .
27 The six themes are at unequal stages of development in that some have already been broken down into specific research projects whereas others are at a more exploratory stage .
28 Apparently some have already been converted .
29 Some have already been formed at Lockerbie , Wigtown and Eskdalemuir but Scotland 's smallest police force is urging others to the same .
30 The many interesting and sometimes elaborate forms of instinctive behaviour shown by insects have often been described and some have also been explained as simple taxes and kineses or interpreted in more complex ethological terms ( Tinbergen , 1951 ; Baerends , 1959 ; Fraenkel and Gunn , 19612 ; Thorpe , 1963 ; Haskell , 1966 ; Evans , 1966 ; von Frisch , 1967 ; Sudd , 1967 ; Ewing and Manning , 1967 ; Manning , 1972 ) .
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