Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] be in " in BNC.

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1 Many of these farm workers originally migrated from Zambia or Mozambique , but some have been in Zimbabwe for a generation or more though they have no regularized status .
2 While many Japanese have been in favour of close relations with the US , the opposition parties in the Diet have consistently opposed the Security Treaty .
3 Seven of these figure are in the current show , two done directly onto the gallery 's walls .
4 A large proportion of dwellings constructed beyond the cities since 1960 have been in the owner-occupied sector .
5 Worms are a staple diet and these have been in short supply due to the summer drought .
6 And they usually occur in popular locations , while these have been in very remote areas ’ .
7 The first 4 of these have been in existence for a long time .
8 These have been in US custody since May awaiting White House approval to seek an indictment of the Marcoses .
9 This has not in itself created a culture and ideology of consumerism ; for these have been in place for at least the last century and perhaps longer in the First World and among comprador classes elsewhere .
10 The proof of the pudding as we all know is in the eating , and I thought where better to sample the pudding than at RAF Uxbridge .
11 Er s so many have been in you know so many have been in Bread I do n't actually , I do n't
12 Er s so many have been in you know so many have been in Bread I do n't actually , I do n't
13 While Sunderland and Newcastle United have been in turmoil , and have consequently stolen much of the limelight , his side have progressed in two major cup competitions and challenged for Premier League status .
14 At least four have been in use for so long that we have no idea when they were discovered .
15 By an extraordinary coincidence all four have been in the recording studio recently , and have sent in their labours for critical appreciation .
16 Both have been in the cabinet since Mr Kaifu came to office .
17 Equally plainly , he could not before 1990 have been in an anti-Thatcherite minority in the Thatcher Cabinet and at the same time in full accord with the lady herself .
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