Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] out in " in BNC.

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1 Because of the accident that , in the early days , a high proportion of the best anthropological field research wan carried out in societies which were made up of exogamous unilineal descent groups , many textbooks give the impression that unilineal descent is the normal pattern in primitive societies and hence that the distinction between kinship ( of common substance ) and affinity is normally clear-out and unambiguous .
2 Evaluation such as that carried out in Example F is likely to misrepresent what has been achieved in the teaching unless it takes into account pupils ' initial performances and the relative difficulty of what they are learning .
3 A linguistic survey such as this carried out in 1980 was able to benefit from the experience of earlier sociolinguistic work ; many problems had already been anticipated .
4 Even when published , aspects of APPN networking remain covered by IBM patents , and Data Connection says it is negotiating with the mainframe manufacturer and hopes to have this sorted out in time for the InterOp show later this month .
5 Erm I propose that ordinary resolution , resolution three set out in the notice of the meeting to grant authority to the board to exercise the powers of the company to allot ordinary shares er , this is an annual er , event I put the resolution to the meeting , those in favour any against ?
6 We have the club slides in our house so that you know really whoever takes over organizing the meeting should really have those and they 're all sorted out in order so it 's just a case of diving in the bag and looking for whatever you want , ever the I always try to bring some fish to look at , to the the scr to the screen erm some of the fish that were on show on the table for that particular sh er in erm table show because I think it shows interest and to learn more about the fish and it 's always nice when somebody else knows a lot more about the particular species than you do , and i is able to tell you quirks and fancies that they have .
7 It 's the type of client , life assurance clients are the type of client where the commission 's all come out in the first four years .
8 She will lunch with selected guests in the new council offices , and an hour beforehand they are all turned out in their best suits and dresses fidgeting in anticipation .
9 went to have a look in his bedrooms like and I they 're all done out in pine , every bedroom is done out in pine .
10 The other vineyards were all wiped out in the phylloxera epidemic of the last century and never replanted ; but lonely though it is on the local wine lists , Irouléguy will do nicely ; I have never got much beyond the stage of dividing wines into nice and nasty when it comes to describing them , so all I shall say is that Irouléguy is nice .
11 Complicated family inter-connections are all trotted out in pointless detail , designed , presumably , to show just how very ‘ in ’ is Lady Colin Campbell .
12 That would be about sixty , sixty one as I see , and er they were the last match of the season virtually was that they gained promotion on was Shrewsbury , which was at the game meadow and Arthur , the player manager who was a prolific goal scorer in his day , was playing at the time and er nobody expected Walsall to win but they ran out two-one winners and all down the A five that night all the pubs were full coming back with everyone celebrating , so erm , after then they had a civic dinner at the Town Hall for the players and they did a big flower display in the arboretum all set out in flowers the club badge and congratulation lads on winning promotion , and this when they kicked off the following season , in the second division , prior to that they played a friendly match against Leicester and Gordon was in goal and I took my boy with me Tim , who was only a toddler at the time , and he , I stood him on the old archway where the players used to run out , but the first league match was against Sunderland and Brian , actually played for Sunderland as centre forward and er Walsall ran out four-three winners in the end Tony , who was Walsall inside left got a hat trick and I believe Tommy , got the other goal and Brian scored for Sunderland , then the er we went on to the , the first away match which was at Derby County , and Walsall won that three-one .
13 And they got an old curtain at the back door and then that 's all you sort of go through across the corner of the kitchen and he was making a bouquet of flowers and er he was setting them all out like and then when he bought it into me it was all set out in a big thing of cellophane and it 'd got two gold strips like
14 Kim : ‘ We 've never all gone out in hats at the same time — we 'd get far too many rude comments . ’
15 But we were all kitted out in life jackets .
16 When a leading international sports lawyer asserts that the procedural elements in this case were similar to those carried out in thousands of others , the manner in which the legal commission poured scorn on their reliability suggests that a major revamp is required .
17 For this reason it is important to use the best models and computer codes that have been validated by experiments such as those carried out in the loss of fluid test ( LOFT ) facility in Idaho ( New Scientist , vol 93 p 521 ) .
18 Other surveys , including those carried out in relatively prosperous areas such as Bristol made similar estimates .
19 No auditing practices in addition to those carried out in the normal case of auditing the financial statements are carried out .
20 sustainability , viability , as in a conceptual sense , and I would also like to suggest that in pushing this discussion forward we ought to bear in mind the , how shall I say it , the principles as espoused by the Department of the Environment in their planning policy guidance note three , er and in particular those spelt out in paragraph thirty three .
21 Am I right in erm my belief that in fact the the final version of policy H two erm need not and should not include a list of criteria other than those set out in P P G two paragraph thirty three .
22 Kerns also won the consolation singles , for those knocked out in the first round of the men 's singles , with a final win over Neil Butcher .
23 In the circumstances , another Bill was presented to Parliament , entitled The Croydon & District Electric Tramways ( Extensions ) Bill 1903 , offering alternative routings to those thrown out in the 1902 Act .
24 Unfortunately , given the failure to repeat the practice of a mid-decade Census as first carried out in 1966 , this source can provide only snapshots of the population at ten-year intervals , the most recent being 1981 .
25 There is a traditional picture of the genesis of BT whose main lines depend , substantially , not on any direct evidence , but on the later recollections of Nietzsche 's sister , which were first set out in one volume of a biography of her brother published in 1897 .
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