Example sentences of "[adj] [vb pp] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The eruption of highly viscous lava , such as that formed by the degassing of rhyolite or andesite , can create large domes which may reach a height of several hundred metres and a width of several kilometres .
2 He reported 10 cases , of whom he claimed that the eight treated by a banana diet were clinically cured whereas the two untreated had died .
3 The evidence was overwhelming , but none so precise and clear as that given by a Mr Bryant and his teenage daughter .
4 The fit is reasonable over most of the area and , as might be expected , is broadly similar to that given by the Shotgun model .
5 A useful minimal definition is that given by the World Health Organization that ‘ Health is a state of complete mental , physical and social well-being , and not merely the absence of disease . ’
6 The letter , dated June 23 , refers to reaching an agreement for a Sunday Times article presenting ‘ a more balanced picture ’ than that given by the Morton book serialisation which portrays Diana as victim of a loveless marriage .
7 A representative assessment is that given by the library manager : I would say that one of the biggest advantages was the fact that senior management … from the Head down , from the very word go , were after making it a success … one thing we have got is a greater awareness from a greater number of staff , because they come in here to supervise and help [ and ] get involved … but I think the biggest advantage has been the fact that time devoted to … library skills for all the first year … [ has ] been extended to an hour a week …
8 The most graphic statement of the dual role , though some would call it an overstatement ( e.g. Pearce , 1982 ) , is that given by the National Association of Head Teachers ( NAHT ) in response to a document on the role of the advisory service issued by the Society of Education Officers and the National Association of Inspectors and Educational Advisers :
9 The most frequently quoted definition of non-natural user is that given by the Judicial Committee in Rickards v. Lothian , ‘ It must be some special use bringing with it increased danger to others and must not merely be the ordinary use of the land or such a use as is proper for the general benefit of the community . ’
10 It would not be absurd , nor contrary to the rule of law , for Parliament to prefer the precise construction adopted by the tribunal to that given by the courts .
11 It may be said at once that of these dates the most inherently improbable is the last , that given by the later Turkish tradition .
12 The diagnosis was that given by the reporting general practitioner , and each event was categorised according to the woman 's contraceptive state at the time of the event .
13 some course leaders ' definition of ‘ enterprise ’ differed from that given by the Enterprise Centre — a number believe that a particular industry 's skills should be included under the umbrella of enterprise .
14 Critics of official statistics argued that not all those out of work were registered as unemployed and that the real figure was therefore higher than that given by the Department of Employment , which is responsible for compiling the data .
15 So you have a very particular view of the constitution , that given by the founding fathers and one which is still in force some seventy eighty years later as America headed towards its most momentous and divisive crisis in its history .
16 Such a class of behaviours includes going on to another task of a kind similar to that assigned by the teacher at one level and exploratory behaviour at a ‘ higher ’ level .
17 One group on low income who will lose out consists of those people living in areas where the poll tax is levied at a higher rate than the Government calculates , and who in consequence will have to meet a 20 per cent poll tax bill that is larger than that calculated by the 20 per cent met by the Government .
18 Locus standi to argue for a relisting would seemingly not require a fresh certificate as it would not constitute an appeal as such but an application to the House to exercise an inherent jurisdiction to re-open an appeal , analogous to that developed by the Court of Appeal , in order to do justice under the scheme of the Criminal Appeal Act 1968 .
19 Writing as a Marxist influenced by the philosopher Louis Althusser , Castells argued that urban sociology , especially that developed by the Chicago School , was ‘ ideological ’ By this he meant that urban sociologists had never stopped to ask what was actually theoretically significant about cities and city life .
20 Suddenly it dawned on Ramsay that this flag was considerably larger than that flown by the Regent .
21 Indeed , this person 's role would not have been dissimilar to that undertaken by the present-day funeral director .
22 Personally I am convinced that unless initiatives like that undertaken by the Urban Studies Centre ( see page 95 ) are adopted , we will continue to train teachers who , though they have impeccable paper qualifications , lack the real life experience which will give credibility to the certificates , degrees and diplomas they have so earnestly won .
23 This view is supported by a number of independent inquiries , the most recent of which was that undertaken by the House of Commons Energy Select Committee in 1987 :
24 This conversion is very similar to that undertaken by the RSA 's Professional Aviation ( who had one of their Jet Prop DC-3 conversions at Farnborough — see page 52 ) and effectively produces a ‘ zero-time ’ aircraft .
25 The usual justification for paying the manager of a business a salary which is out of all proportion greater than that received by the men on the shop floor , who have direct contact with the product or with the machinery , is that the extra payment is for " responsibility " but this is just another name for " status in a power hierarchy " .
26 Player A's expected payoff in each period will therefore tend to a value which is less than that received by the dominant strategy type for any positive rate of discount .
27 De Klerk on May 8 embarked on an 18-day , nine-country tour of Western Europe , the most extensive undertaken by a South African leader since the National Party came to power in 1948 .
28 However , funds provided in the third category would be available only if a country 's domestic policies were adjusted to that prescribed by the Community 's Council of Ministers .
29 The Housing Act 1925 , s. 46 provided for the assessment of compensation for land acquired compulsorily under an improvement or reconstruction scheme made under that Act in a manner differing in certain respects from that prescribed by the Act of 1919 .
30 Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states ; Syria alone is seven times as large .
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