Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Some believed indeed that the original intention of Soviet Mediterranean deployments had been to induce a negotiated withdrawal of the United States ' Sixth Fleet .
2 This showed conclusively that Thoresby 's contents were far more complete than had previously been realized and , with relatively little rearrangement , could have been put back as they appeared in early photographs .
3 Only one regular planned village has been excavated ( Thrislington in County Durham , by David Austin ) and this showed archaeologically that the plan was earlier than 1200 .
4 This meant both that the BBC itself was not to ‘ editorialize ’ about the news ( or ‘ matters of public policy ’ , as the Postmaster-General put it in 1927 ) and that it kept strict control over access to the airwaves .
5 The sociology of knowledge was not founded on an epistemology but this meant only that its empirical analyses could not be interpreted according to a pre-established system .
6 For the opponents of transmutation , this meant only that the ‘ centres of creation ’ had been active throughout the earth 's history .
7 ‘ He did n't try to flirt with me the whole time , ’ she defended , and half wished then that she had n't said anything about lunchtime .
8 Some said merely that the money was not available to fit out such an expedition a second time , even if the spirit had been willing ; and that was certainly true .
9 Thereupon we all agreed solemnly that it was a private matter and that no announcement would be made to the press .
10 The following year a Latin American delegate at the Tenth plenum of the Committee of the Communist International stated bluntly that Latin American Communist parties needed ’ stronger organisational and more effective political support' from the Comintern ( Alba : 1959 , p. 136 ) .
11 If you all disappeared together that would be , that is a fair criticism of the training department , but if it 's just the fact that all you 're doing is switching off then that 's O K because you ca n't help it anyway .
12 They started from the position , in my judgment incorrectly , that the references in Thomas v. University of Bradford to the visitor 's jurisdiction being exclusive meant simply that the court did not have concurrent jurisdiction with him .
13 Rangers ' captain , manager and owner all knew beforehand that the publicity given to Dundee United 's charges of rule-breaking by Gough , Walter Smith and David Murray would have the effect of motivating the Tannadice players to an extraordinary degree .
14 We all knew then that he was n't going to miss out on the Cup final for all the world .
15 Middlesbrough-based Marktrace International said yesterday that MPL was a separate company , set up for the Ghanaian project only .
16 Captain Tupper , calling off a strike of fishermen in which he was engaged in August 1914 declared simply that " our fight was not with the employers but with another force which had attacked all that was ours " .
17 All the women exclaimed at the sight of the red , pink and white azaleas massed on the steps , but each thought privately that only she could appreciate the true beauty and significance of the flowers — Sophia feeling that here was the essence of the Italy she knew and loved , Penelope experiencing a lift of the heart as if the flowers held a promise of future romantic adventures , Ianthe knowing as she looked at the flower what she had only suspected before — that she was in love with John .
18 What was it like I mean you know you er when you first moved here that was it nineteen twenty six ?
19 I thought when I first came here that I hated what she was trying to do to me and then I came to see that the clothes , the manners , the society , all those things were part of a process , a process to give me enough confidence to do what I liked , not to live in eternal dread of insignificance and error .
20 Now he knew beforehand because we told him when he came , first came here that we also use Mission Praise , and you do .
21 Remember we used to have a prisoner group did n't we , when I first came so that the
22 Several said firmly that suitability and fitness should be the only criteria , and that is fine , as far as it goes .
23 Well we have got quite a lot of detail working package from within their own teams , and within the support staff , so you want that extended so that they can
24 A REPORT in Money-Go-Round on March 14 suggested incorrectly that company car users may include travel to and from work as part of their business mileage when calculating tax liabilities .
25 A savage new twist to the personal computer price-performance ratchet is in prospect after Advanced Micro Devices Inc announced yesterday that it will plunge straight into the 80486 market with a family of devices using Intel Corp microcode rather than wait until its own ‘ clean ’ version of the chip is ready in June .
26 A savage new twist to the personal computer price-performance ratchet is in prospect after Advanced Micro Devices Inc announced yesterday that it will plunge straight into the 80486 market with a family of devices using Intel Corp microcode rather than wait until its own ‘ clean ’ version of the chip is ready in June .
27 Motorola Inc announced yesterday that it is now shipping the 40MHz version of the 68040 in volume , claiming that at 41.8 VAX MIPS , Motorola , it runs faster than the 50MHz version of the full 80486 from Intel Corp.The 40MHz 68040 is $393 for 1,000 or more .
28 We both believed strongly that that must be so .
29 About a third said unequivocally that they would not support the repeal , and even the doubtfuls expressed their opinions in such a way as to leave no doubt about the strength of their reservations .
30 No doubt Ulpian wrote simply that the words created no trust but merely expressed advice .
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