Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] more [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Film advertising ideas are usually presented to clients in the form of a storyboard — eight or more drawn pictures pasted down on a board with the written commentary set out beneath .
2 The small operation at " Hartriggs " ( see " Haggrieg 's Mine at Hawk Rigg " page 91 in the Field Guide ) , was providing a " rich liver coloured ore " ( cuprite ? ) , whilst at Muckle Gill , above the top waterfall in Tilberthwaite Gill , the veins , even then , " as the shafts get deeper , become less rich … getting more coarse and more mineralised with sulphur . "
3 Love children , he had read , were more beautiful , more charming and more favoured by destiny than those born in wedlock .
4 Yet the same could be true of other political issues of the day , even if the impact was less universal and more limited to specific sectional interests .
5 For all its failings , it is the arts centre/civic centre circuit which contains the potential to allow exciting new , as well as still exciting but more established old , talents to take their creativity all over the country .
6 Less crowded and more sought after than these official Court balls were the Empress 's ‘ Mondays ’ , known as the petits bals du lundi , which were held in the Salon Bleu of her own apartments .
7 In this , Positive economics is typical of other ‘ Positive ’ sciences , although perhaps clearer and more developed in its approach .
8 The steering is slightly heavier but more damped , too .
9 For students whose background is more creative the treatment of the core subject areas would be more descriptive and more geared to understanding new applications of the existing technology rather than developing the technology itself .
10 However , while some reports are well drafted , others could do with being both more complete and more pointed in terms of their recommendations .
11 There is of course a continuing controversy over whether the bureaucratic bourgeoisie of senior military , civil , party , co-operative and industrial administrators constitute a distinct class ; or whether they merely form part of a larger and more differentiated social stratum ; whether such a class is dominant or subservient to metropolitan capital ; where the boundary around such a class should be drawn ; whether it is fully formed or not , and whether the power of the state is equivalent to the power of the bureaucracy as a social entity ( Murray 1967 ; Leys 1976 ; Zieman and Lanzendorfer 1977 ) .
12 The government itself became larger and more concentrated in its operation as it assumed increasing responsibilities in areas such as education and defence .
13 The opportunities for bureaucrats in the UK to subvert or negate the wishes of elected officials are far fewer and more limited in scope than is the case in the diffused , more open and non-hierarchical structures of the federal administration in the United States .
14 Importantly , Sahlins does not privilege one perspective over the other : the British perspective is not treated as better or more informed because to treat it as such would be to accept unquestioningly the categories out of which this perspective constructed its realities .
15 In an interview which he gave in this year , the reporter noted how he seemed much " heartier , more unworried and more unafraid of the world than he did … five years ago " .
16 According to Weber direct democracy is possible only in small and relatively simple societies , whereas beyond this stage , in societies which have become larger , more complex and more differentiated — and especially in modern societies — direct rule by the people is out of the question .
17 I am therefore today asking you for her hand , for no one else is capable of making me happy nor more fitted to wear a crown .
18 The crematorium chapel was full and more listened to the service which was relayed to crowds outside .
19 He also realises that as Talk Talk become more and more embroiled in their lush musical underbelly , in the process becoming increasingly alienating for the average pop fan , his record sales , and subsequently his budget , will inevitably get less and less .
20 People do n't appreciate the material belongings that surround them , they just buy things and then chuck them away , they consume and consume and get more and more lost .
21 With the differentiation of the instruments of labour , the trades which produce these instruments themselves become more and more differentiated ’ ( ibid . ) .
22 It will become even less distinct as environmental issues become more and more merged with problems caused by rapidly expanding populations , poverty and the visibly harsh strictures of climate change .
23 Competition , as more and more noticed , can favour the poor in a way state monopolies are never likely to do ; in fact it is precisely through concentrated economic power , not least in the great nationalised industries and services , that the rich can sometimes best thrive .
24 Its distribution in space becomes more and more contorted by the velocity fluctuations , but so long as molecular diffusion plays no role , the marked fluid is always just the same fluid .
25 As the countries of the world , irrespective of bloc , appear to become more and more bound up with one another through the extension of transnational practices , some of which are directly identifiable as practices of global capitalism and some of which not , the fact of the global system becomes more and more obvious to ever more people , though the nature of the global system might still appear extremely difficult to grasp .
26 Council tenants become more and more marginalised as the better-off tenants are encouraged , by generous discounts , to buy their homes .
27 As I explored more of the inadequacies of my relationship with him through my group , and made friends independently from him , he began to feel more and more threatened by my increasing feminism .
28 The number of ways of packing is reduced since the empty volume available becomes more and more correlated with the molecules .
29 As time goes by , Herta seems more and more put out — by my impotence .
30 In the design world old designs become more and more laboured and more and more mannered .
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