Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] has [be] " in BNC.

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1 Now I would say to sa say that that is almost a bit like the story of the boy crying that he did n't have many holidays because he did n't go to school and that because Harrogate 's er unemployment is so low or has been historically so low compared with other areas , a relatively small increase in the number of unemployment has an enormous increase as compared with what it 's been in the past and so the same number of people living in Harrogate who lose their jobs has an impact on the unemployment figures as perceived locally greater than a similar number of people losing their jobs in Leeds or Selby or somewhere else , and so I think to some extent this the rhetoric has outrun the reality on that point .
2 ‘ From what I can see , Katie , this man is either very careful or has been very lucky .
3 Walker , who has turned 30 and has been at Tynecastle for over three years , will get his full international grounding at a time when goalkeeping problems abound for the national coach .
4 The position is precisely clear and has been confirmed .
5 GPSG is computationally economical and has been developed to a point where a large number of interesting syntactic phenomena may be dealt with in an integrated formal framework .
6 The overall electron transfer from the anion is particularly high and has been calculated at approximately 0.8e .
7 The volume of complaint about the difficulties encountered by pedestrians is certainly high and has been recorded in a number of surveys in recent years .
8 The jail is less than a year old and has been hailed as a model prison .
9 When the VDU is free and has been allocated to the current Offline run , the Offline System will present a display similar to that shown in Figure 2.1 .
10 But she 's about forty and has been with the company ages . ’
11 You will no doubt be familiar with the Tesco Healthy Eating campaign which started in 1985 and has been a major success .
12 He is constantly haunted by the fear that the US might abandon him for one reason or another and has been particularly uneasy over the new US administration 's attitude towards him . "
13 To signifies this relation of subsequence in virtue of its potential meaning of a movement from one point in time to another and has been seen to give rise to two clearly identifiable actual meanings according to whether the speaker conceives the whole movement which to is capable of signifying or only the initial part thereof .
14 Sally is 22 and has been with her current boyfriend for three years .
15 Stone recurrence after extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy is expected to be similar and has been reported as 9% in the first year .
16 Trinity Mill , near Bagendon , is one such and has been put to a number of different uses .
17 Greer 's CSE Mathematics Book 1 was first published in 1978 — it is now into its fifth reprint ; Book 2 was first published in 1979 and has been reprinted twice .
18 Painting throughout its history has served many different purposes , has been flat and has used perspective , has been framed and has been left borderless , has been explicit and has been mysterious .
19 LCH was incorporated as a company in 1888 and has been providing market services continuously for more than a century .
20 He was District Secretary there since 1991 and has been a branch representative in several branches since 1976 .
21 Suppose , for example , a text ( such as the Bestiary : thirteenth century , East Anglia ) exhibits 3rd singular verb-form variation in -es , -ep ( such as standes , standep ) and syncopated forms ( such as stant ) : this may indicate that the text is composite and has been copied by scribes from different dialect areas ( for discussions of these scribal questions , see especially McIntosh , Samuels and Benskin , 1986 ; Laing , 1989 ; McIntosh and Wakelin , 1989 ) .
22 The subsidence which occurs as a result of the mining in any event is very limited and has been able to be taken into account quite adequately on other developments within the Selby District .
23 According to a recent Hollywood Reporter piece , the Runt is currently labelless but has been working on a project which has been hailed as the first interactive album .
24 Secretary Anne Branch , of College View , Monkwray , who has been with the Company since 1948 and has been secretary to various Managing Directors including the present incumbent Keith Jackson .
25 In fact , the tea 's all set in the dining-room as usual and has been for … let me see ’ — she put her head on one side — ‘ how many years ? ’
26 It 's all part of a commitment by Central to subtitle as many programmes as possible and has been welcomed by campaigners for an improved service for the deaf and hard of hearing .
27 Some £75,000-worth is still thought to be outstanding and has been traced to Germany , Syria , Bahrain , Saudi Arabia , Kuwait and Jordan .
28 Joan 's husband suffers from motor neurone disease , is very weak and has been in a wheelchair for the last nine years , almost totally dependent on her for physical care .
29 In particular , the fossil Anatolepis , which first occurs in the Upper Cambrian and has been interpreted as the dermal scales of a heterostracan fish , is more likely to have belonged to an arthropod .
30 ‘ Michael Stein pleaded guilty and has been fined 2000 Barbados dollars .
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