Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] in his " in BNC.

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1 Mohammed is Lebanese and in his mid 40s .
2 He had a gift for friendship , and a wide range of acquaintances , but his close friends were few and in his later years were drawn from a small circle who shared his interest in the lives and books of medieval scholars .
3 22 And in his review of O'Keeffe 's 1924 show , critic Virgil Barker had maintained that O'Keeffe 's emotions were balanced by her intellect : ‘ Miss O'Keeffe 's pictures embody intelligent passionateness. ’ 23 But from the beginning , most critics had responded to her art ( and continued to do so ) primarily in agreement with the position maintained by the Stieglitz circle , a position restated without equivocation by Rosenfeld in 1924 , when he wrote that O'Keeffe was ‘ one who shows no traces of intellectualisation and has a mind born of profoundest feeling . ’
4 Not to a Jewish God , not to a Christian one , not in Hebrew or English but in his native Polish , and to whatever power it was that made the stars shine , and the clouds drift , a lone wolf howl and an eagle fly free over wild country .
5 Some of his many poems and humorous versifications were published in 1991 and in his introduction he claimed : ‘ The reasons for presenting them at all are twofold .
6 At this time Syeduz was nearly six and in his second term in the infant school .
7 Adam was nineteen and in his first year at university , though at that time at home for the Easter break .
8 His fingers were bloody and in his eyes there was such despair that I could not stand it and went out into the filthy courtyard ’ .
9 The police say the man they 're looking for is around five feet 10 inches tall and in his late twenties .
10 Green 's text in these and in his series of black and white pictures of the area was usually restricted to straightforward descriptions of the places portrayed or of the directions to reach them .
11 In what he called " emphysema weather " , he did not venture out at all and in his last years one member of the firm , Peter du Sautoy , would report to him on the business being conducted — what books had been accepted , for example .
12 Slight and in his mid-twenties , he moved with energetic nervousness , his sharp eyes darting in all directions , as if on constant guard against a knife in the back — a worrying habit which I have since come to associate with compulsive back-stabbers .
13 David Rosen was short and in his mid-forties , a study in pale human colours with hair and lashes the shade of weak orange squash and fine skin dusted with light freckles which , in certain lights , appeared to oscillate .
14 He was born at Plymouth in 1830 and in his youth moved to County Fermanagh .
15 He first became a player-manager at 28 and in his time the 41-year-old Buckley has won three promotions , the Bob Lord trophy with Kettering — and been sacked by Walsall after making them the highest scoring team in the four Divisions .
16 We always understood there to be 14 and in his book ‘ I Bought A Mountain ’ , Thomas Firbank defines the walk as covering ‘ the fourteen peaks in Wales which exceed three thousand feet in height .
17 Dessie won the Gold Cup at Cheltenham in 1989 and in his career won £500,000 in prize money .
18 His experience of the war changed him — not in his belief that change was necessary but in his optimism that it could be brought about .
19 Hunt remained at Camberwell until July 1947 and in his last year did an illustration course under Minton , developing a Mintonesque style .
20 Given that the people had put him there , the Emperor envisaged it as his duty to be seen as the people 's servant — not just in the matter of governing but in his behaviour as a Sovereign who must associate the people with all aspects of his life .
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