Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] just [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some subjects are painful , sensational , controversial or just a bit too exciting .
2 The majority of staff — 62 per cent — read all or most of Newsline while 38 per cent read some or just a little of the publication .
3 But , back in England , The Smiths felt unsettled and just a little paranoid .
4 ‘ Is it for real or just a fantasy ?
5 For a moment Ruth wondered if he were real or just a ghost .
6 When applied to women universally this becomes a stereotype , overgeneralised and just a step away from the sexist argument that women are ‘ naturally ’ caring .
7 Labour council leader John Williams said the pedestrianisation of Skinnergate and High Row was long overdue and just the first step in a town improvement strategy .
8 Her hair 's very straight and just an ordinary brown .
9 Two or three were just fairly old and frail and just the stress out there was getting to them and I suppose some had relatively minor but painful things , not life threatening , but just uncomfortable .
10 A smile curled across his lips , masculine and just a little smug .
11 So it was ten amps with just the one , just the fifty ohm and now it , I mean this is n't right but just a , let's say that with both we 're going to get about eleven amps .
12 erm , and they did remarkably well , you know , taking it over , they were really very acceptable at the end , but the whole programme had this sub-plot of how antagonistic most of the prison officers were , not all of them , cos they obviously has some support to keep it going , but a lot of them were antagonistic towards what was going on , and not only that but just the the prison system , you know , this chap got transferred from one prison to another , when he was mid-way through rehearsals , you know , I mean why should n't he have stayed there ,
13 General feelings of being under the weather and slight depression can all combine to make sex seem uninteresting or just a necessary chore !
14 Is it , what is it definite , I mean as a regular or just the one off or what ?
15 His dummy , leading on the story of a northern factory which was allegedly poisoning its workers , had been marked down as brilliant and just the sort of hard-hitting stuff the paper wanted .
16 Now confidence has manifested in lots and lots of ways and its appealing to that confidence as much as the insecurity , er that makes the advertiser 's and the manufacturer 's of all manner of products er , their huge profits , now I guess we all spend money on , on various products and er , do you , do you worry about how much you spend on the body beautiful or just the body ? , do you or , I mean does any , I wonder if you think you spend too much on it ? , let me ask you that , do you spend too much money on your body ? , er button one for yes and button two for no .
17 ‘ This friction between her and your mother — was it really important or just a manifestation of teenage rebellion ? ’
18 The story is long , complicated and just a part of one of the most controversial and problematic developments in the creation of the English canal system , a story admirably told in Charles Hadfield 's The Canals of the East Midlands and more fully still in Philip Stevens ' The Leicester Line .
19 The party , which was confined to local friends owing to the remoteness of our village from the metropolis , was , I think , very successful and just the kind of gathering Nigel loved .
20 Her movements as she set the inverted cups upright on their saucers and manipulated milk jug , teapot and hot water jug were precise and just a little fussy .
21 In my next life I shall be a Jew or a Spaniard or an Eskimo or just a fully committed anarchist like everybody else , Alexis decided .
22 ‘ Five bodies were found yesterday ( Wednesday ) , today another two and just a few hours ago the last body , ’ said a human rights officer .
23 As Maggie turns , I catch a flash of eye , fairy blue but just a bit milky .
24 If anyone would like to share their story with other readers , whether it 's happy , sad , amusing or just a bit out of the ordinary , then please write to us at the usual address .
25 Some have to be loaded first , others last and just a few , Ready ! is an example , could n't care less .
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