Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 No one suggests , certainly not I , that the nation state has properties which are eternal or that it should attribute to itself values which are timeless .
2 The continuing use after that time of recognition is a time of testing whether control is possible or whether it has indeed been lost .
3 All these questions can help you decide whether the ad is right or whether it needs changing .
4 and just the , the part here , I mean this , this I do n't know if it 's right or if it 's wrong but when you said I wan na put twenty quid towards my children 's future perhaps the way I would see is I , I would think twenty quid 'll go nowhere for their future , it 's gon na be a lot more expensive so as you 're openly offering me to take the money off you for that I would have perhaps gone down to try and commit you towards that need there and then to see how important it is and then , because when I er eventually bring back erm the sort of agenda and say look it 's gon na cost you a hundred and twenty quid a month erm you 're sort of sold on the idea .
5 Lord I wonder whether the jury could er look at that or whether it would be more convenient for them to look at it later .
6 I tell you something I was amazed at erm the reading book he appeared with , Fluff and Nip and goodness knows what that went out with the ark when I came out of college , I do n't know whether they 're all reading that or whether it 's just sort of found them and must of been just perhaps a one off or something , but , I was amazed
7 following the work 's experience there is a half term there , so it can either come before that or after it and I 'll do a unit and it might be on safety or , if I ca n't erm first aid I might get safety in and they 'll do it like that and we 'll fill in some units .
8 I wondered if she really felt strongly about this or if it was just a habit to sound as if she did .
9 If one person 's on duty , you would a situation where really that was a bit of risk quite often , and er , it 's not an acceptable thing but er , I totally agree we need to agree very carefully if one 's wise to whether the initial staffing is adequate or whether it is case a of people not having
10 The Policyholder may claim a constructive total loss when the subject matter of insurance is reasonably abandoned to the Insurer on the account of its actual total loss appearing to be unavoidable or because it could not be preserved from such actual total loss without an expenditure that would exceed its value when recovered/repaired .
11 Unfortunately this can occur either if the illumination is too dim or if it is too bright .
12 to all er o o on both sides , erm there 's one point he made which is terrible important which is that the costs of this statutory instrument and all the guidelines and rules and regulations and orders that flow from it , will not impact onto small b business because that was the key to the deregulation bill and I wonder whether the deregulation unit has looked at this and whether it is satisfied it 's not gon na be an additional cost onto the running of small enterprise .
13 Well , perhaps this is a few too many , but he knows after many years ' experience that he can ask for this and that it is necessary .
14 But it does mean that cross-addiction is a factor that may possibly be of some influence in all of this and that it is a factor that may need to be taken into consideration in the long term in attempting to improve the over all quality of recovery .
15 Having said that , if there is n't any pay formula included in this deal , er no matter what the percentage increase over the two years , I think er the strength of feeling across the country , people will not be happy with this and if it is balloted on it will be rejected .
16 Have you any idea what sort of people could have taken this and when it could have happened ?
17 That , for some reason , almost made him give up , not the pain , but the familiar bit of furniture , the bed he had slept in for fifteen years , now hopelessly astray and as it seemed attacking him .
18 Leavis was a major critic and a very influential educator , who was convinced both that criticism was essentially evaluative and that it was at the heart of English studies .
19 The title may give the totally misleading impression that only chemical engineers will find it interesting and that it is simply concerned with refineries and chemical plants .
20 Make sure that the story you have for them is interesting and if it is merely constituency information , explain that you are providing it for background briefing and that you are not expecting them to publish it .
21 Er the centre 's supposed to be totally non-political and if it ever got political , they 'd close us down .
22 I knew that he too would tell me I was wrong and that it was in another part of the country .
23 It is submitted that this approach is wrong and that it would be better to consider the database structure as a form of expression in its own right and not as part of the computer program .
24 They will argue that such job creation as may have taken place is temporary and artificial , that the cost of achieving even this was too high and that it would have been cheaper and industrially more advantageous if people from development areas had been forced or encouraged to move to the prosperous areas .
25 I know that it is intended to begin wiring around 1 September 1993 and that it will be a week or so before the actual switchover from room 202 to the above sites takes place .
26 US intelligence had estimated that North Korea could have nuclear weapons ready by 1993 and that it was taking action to hide the existence of components from possible international inspection .
27 Is it not the case , as was pointed out at the time of the French Revolution by the Abbé Sieyes , that if the second chamber agrees with the first it is superfluous and if it disagrees it is mischievous ?
28 In 1600 , the renegade monk Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake for numerous heresies , including the proposition that the universe is infinite and that it contains an infinite number of worlds .
29 However , in the event you are not likely to want to do that , the embroidery usually looks delightfully spontaneous and if it does n't balance you can generally add an extra petal to help it out .
30 However , in O'Reilly v. Mackman Lord Diplock argued that the present procedural regime for AJRs is more advantageous to applicants than that under the pre-1978 version of Ord. 53. and that it strikes a sound balance between the interests of applicants and respondents .
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