Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] out [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Some dropped out and got into drugs , others just fancied drinking with their mates in the pub .
2 Estimating that the harvest would take a month to gather , this worked out that each man averaged about £14s. a week in wages ; but out of this he would have to pay his gaveller .
3 He did , however , ask to see and approve the proposed wording , and on 30 December sent some comments on the proofs accompanied by a brisk command to ‘ get this sorted out and cleared as soon as possible ’ .
4 Some died out or moved away , others survived only in the female line and the lands passed to another family by marriage ( 81 , pp.43–7 ; 83 , p.31 ) .
5 Sequence analysis of the two cDNA clones TN 3.1 and H1 revealed that clone H1 had type III repeats 11 and 12 spliced out and the AD1 domain was contiguous with repeats 10 and 13 while TN3.1 was not spliced and the AD1 domain was contiguous with repeats 10 and 11 .
6 Charles Booth and Joseph Chamberlain were among those who in the 1880s and 1890s pointed out that old age was a significant cause of poverty and pauperism .
7 The CML pointed out that a sealed form 53 was a receipt , and that lenders would be reluctant to issue it before receiving the monies in question .
8 The Independent of May 2 pointed out that with two minor cases concerning Urbatechnic going through the courts the commission " would probably have to declare most of Urba 's affairs sub judice and thus spare the socialists themselves " .
9 Some pointed out that even the MacBride Report with all its emphasis on democratic communication was highly defective on women 's issues .
10 Some aid workers estimated that as much as half of the food aid sent since January had been stolen , although some pointed out that looted food eventually found its way on to the market .
11 A Special Report of the Girls ' Friendly Society in 1879 pointed out that middle-class women tended ‘ to over regulate those women whom we would serve ’ , because they were ignorant of working-class life .
12 One session dealt with the paralinguistic character of the body in Pre-Columbian imagery , another pointed out that critics and historians tend to neglect artists ' books , and several confronted the aesthetic implications of ‘ virtual reality ’ technology .
13 However , a PFLP-GC statement broadcast by Al-Quds on Feb. 7 pointed out that it had never claimed responsibility for the attack .
14 that bellowed out and belonged to the melting air ?
15 There 's sort of grass , but it 's pretty wore out and it 's mostly just mud , except hard .
16 An anonymous writer to the Scottish Typographical Circular in 1904 pointed out that " some of the females have been at the trade since 1872 [ over thirty years ] and were grown-up young women when they started " , so they would more or less count as " veterans " . "
17 Halfway through cockpit checks the crew decided that the aircraft was unserviceable , so they all got out and tramped back to the Squadron offices .
18 Now the photographers all came out and started taking pictures of Frank and me arguing .
19 Well we took our turn and we waited to go in but once we got in we broke away from the crowd and when they all came out and went to lunch in the town we did n't .
20 And , they all filed out and the the caretaker , I presume , started putting the tables up , and the chairs for lunch
21 As a student I admired Bratby , Prunella Clough and the Kitchen Sink School , but somehow it all fizzled out and abstraction took over .
22 Oh and we all rushed out and said , shoo !
23 The only signs of fish life at that time on the glassy surface of the mere were the odd shower of fry as they all leapt out as one .
24 The patient knew instinctively when and how , and it all worked out as she and her children intended .
25 We 'll get it all worked out and one of us 'll do the talkin' , all right ?
26 Then they all sorted out where he could drop — on the tractor path , which was in effect fairway .
27 Again without being boring , when I first joined the company telesales people made telephone calls and made appointments , and the outdoor went out and did it .
28 They all went out except for Father Martin who closed the door and sat on the bed .
29 But then it just all died out and died out and there was nobody then .
30 From there they went darting across the boiling surface like a dragon-fly , skimming with the currents where the banks were swept too open and smooth to hold flotsam , swinging aside round the sergeant 's paddle in the marked spots ; round the shovel-shaped end of Eel Island , which had scooped up a full load of branches , twigs , uprooted grass , and even more curious trophies , but not what they were seeking ; a little way down the sluggish backwater beyond , until motion ceased in stagnant shallows , and still there was nothing ; out into the flood again , hopping back on to the current as on to a moving belt that whisked them away ; revolving out of the race again where the trees leaned down into the water at the curve by the Lacey farm , acting like a great , living grille to filter out debris ; clean across the width of the river at the next coil , to where the long , sandy shallow ran out and encircled a miniature beach .
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