Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] this [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was a very private man and some mistook this for aloofness .
2 Some ascribed this to the fact that most people were not interested in committee membership because no one in the centres , including staff , had any real power .
3 For the time being , the newspapers and the radio listeners were content to regard the voice as belonging to a monocled ass of the Bertie Wooster type , though some felt this to be an unfair reflection on Wodehouse 's hero .
4 But only an enlightened few saw this as a symbol of national renewal .
5 Sixty per cent claimed that this was done through traditional subjects , although few related this to actual school practice .
6 Most fishermen worked full-time from small boats with crews of 2 to 5 men but some did this as a second job , with farming or quarrying .
7 A few did this by appealing to a providentialist explanation .
8 Rushdie personally contributed £5,000 to help victims of the Iranian earthquake , but Hojatoleslam Sadeq Khalkhali on June 26 rejected this as " blood money " and reiterated the fatwa .
9 Even the earls present hailed this as an excellent plan , and Fraser was there and then appointed Deputy Warden of the Marches .
10 The murmur of amusement that ran round the gathering made it obvious that none of the women present saw this as a hardship .
11 Richard II recognized this by his brusque dismissal of Prophete in 1395 .
12 i pulled this of rec.sport.soccer ( see last part of mail ) — the post was rather mingled so i have tried to fix it up a little : take it for what it is — a post from memory from a guy somewhere and no mentioning of what year/what cup/ etc. i think the poster has messed up or something — my guess is that the home match is the first mentioned : meaning that G has beaten some respectable teams like PSV , Roma and Frankfurt at home and beating Roma and Frankfurt at aggregate .
13 Edward I did this in alliances with Castile , Navarre , Aragon and Flanders .
14 i spotted this in the last number of ‘ Peacock News ’ and what 's more : one of the norwegain fans sent a fax to wilko mentioning Leeds-fan Pedersen. this is taken from a copy of the fax printed in PN :
15 I actually first realised this at the second year , that when I was looking for the , the previous year , I noticed that in July the business went and I thought , because everybody 's gone on holiday .
16 He first described this in Noctambules which showed how the characters portrayed were manipulated by the Hypnotist .
17 ( Sorry to be a trainspotter , but I first heard this in the Zanzibar , courtesy of Mr Tony Humphries ) . ’
18 One College and one Polytechnic offered this with five staff , of whom four had this as their main concern .
19 Following the inquiry 's recommendations , in February 1989 , the Secretary of State issued a Circular on the discharge of patients from hospital ( HC(89)5 ) , and in September 1990 followed this with the Circular on the care programme approach , stating that from April 1991 all patients leaving hospital should be the subjects of care programmes , and that in September 1991 regions should report back on the implementation of this policy .
20 We both accepted this without question , and a marriage allowance was duly added to my salary .
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