Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] is [being] " in BNC.

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1 The importance of this Sunday is being realised more and more as the Churches face the sharp edge of unemployment .
2 After chalking up debts of ¥500 billion ( $3.5 billion ) , Tokyo-based EIE is being rescued by five large Japanese banks .
3 At the moment , my new machine is being assembled and my old Hyundai is being dismantled for recyclable parts .
4 Allied Dunbar is being brave-faced : ‘ With 200 life companies , there is a lot of competition , and opportunity , ’ a spokesman says .
5 President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia said on Jan. 26 that " the destruction and devastation to which fraternal Iraq is being subjected has reached an intolerable level " .
6 Perforated Ulster is being recorded for transmission by the BBC , BBC production and direction by Joan Boyd , Colin Lewis and Charlie Warmington .
7 A MUTUAL investment fund for Eastern Europe is being launched today with the backing of Continental Grain , the private American company which is one of the world 's biggest grain suppliers .
8 On the one hand , advisory roles are shifting more towards inspection and quality control , and the accountability of advisers and inspectors to their employing LEAs is being more firmly underscored ( Audit Commission 1989b ) .
9 Aid agencies are warning that relief work in the former Yugoslavia is being jeopardised by volunteers taking emergency supplies into war zones without proper guidance .
10 Here a Bronze Age site at Tel Halawa in northern Syria is being excavated in advance of flood-waters from a dam being constructed on the Euphrates .
11 BASKETBALL star Magic Johnson is being sued by a woman who claims he gave her the Aids virus .
12 A specially-built Ferrari is being entered privately for the gruelling Le Mans ( 24 ) Twenty Four hour race by an engineering team … not from Italy … but from the Forest of Dean .
13 King Kenneth I , Part II Confident young Kenneth is being warned by his wife , Queen Emma , that if he gets any more young and confident , people may gang up and say rotten things about him …
14 : Mmd An exhibition to let people see what could be the new Henley is being held at the town hall .
15 In what is believed to be the first development of its kind , a new hospital under construction in north-eastern England is being fitted with a range of energy-saving features which may reduce annual energy bills by as much as 60 per cent .
16 A new HNC is being developed to meet the need for technician engineers with skills in electronics , computing and mechanical engineering , in other words , in the new interdisciplinary approach to engineering called mechatronics .
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