Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During the 1860s , the miller at Alstone Lower Mills was Fredrick Boulter , replaced towards the close of the century by George Gardner , a decade or so before resident at Arle Mill .
2 The other beneficiary of Junior Tuesday was Jerry Brown who unexpectedly won his first primary in Colorado .
3 The main Democratic victims of Junior Tuesday were Harkin and Kerrey .
4 I was Sir Anthony Evans when I came out … and , ’ — he took his wife 's hand — ‘ my dear Linda was Lady Evans . ’
5 The government began by arresting the less important members of the CPP as a warning and only on 22 January was Nkrumah pulled in .
6 FORTY per cent of phone pests trapped by British Telecom were WOMEN , it was revealed yesterday .
7 However , the development that particularly interested Nicholson was Perkin 's discovery of the first aniline dyestuff in his home laboratory in the East End .
8 The first part I ever did at the Old Vic was Ophelia , in 1957 .
9 But de Gaulle understood the claim in a literal sense : in his view Free France was France , and he was the head of a sovereign French government .
10 Many schools , colleges and universities in Latin America are part of the church 's empire and so values , inculcated here , are in line with the dominant Catholic Hispanic mores .
11 Some of the most modern industrial companies in Latin America are family businesses , whose boards of directors are made up of relatives and close friends who can be trusted .
12 Fan-war Dave is peacemaker
13 Later light scattering measurements confirm that the remaining PHB is particulate , with median diameter 0.3–0.4 µM .
14 The most common poppy in the Outer Hebrides is Papaver dubium whose beautiful red blooms brighten the early summer fields .
15 The principal factors influencing the processes of soil formation in the Outer Hebrides are climate , parent materials , topography and vegetation , and the distribution of soil types in the islands reflects the variations in these environmental factors .
16 On the night hemisphere much of the surface is at about 100 K. Were Mercury to keep the same face to the Sun then the night hemisphere would be close to 0 K. The higher temperature that actually exists has been known since 1962 .
17 At Wallrafplatz until 10 January is Norbert Prangenberg 's ‘ Morgenlandfahrer ’ ( ‘ Traveller in the Orient ’ ) , an exhibition of thirteen new abstract paintings in watercolour and pastel on canvas , and seven pencil and watercolour drawings on paper .
18 Elections to the assemblies in the northern republics of Slovenia and Croatia in the course of April and early May were Yugoslavia 's first contested multiparty elections for 51 years .
19 Education everywhere iii Africa was fee paying and when students came to Howard they all had to pay boarding fees .
20 Saturn and Pluto are almost single-handedly responsible for presenting you with obstacles , and late March and early October are times when they are most active in your chart .
21 A key material issue in Central Asia was opposition to the Russian seizure of the historic lands of minority peoples .
22 One notable later-day Boadicea was Lady Anne Cunningham , a fervent Calvinist who not only succeeded in scaring the English , but also her own son the Marquess of Hamilton when she rode into Berwick with a brace of pistols and daggers at her saddle , at the head of her troop of horse against Charles I. Her attendant women were obliged to become expert markswomen .
23 That Williams is shite !
24 The elements may have seemed brutal to the documentary makers ( and some had roughed it in various parts of the world ) but to someone like Hannah who had experienced the winters of 1941 and 1962 that November was child 's play .
25 Yeah the little Toshibas are remotes are n't they ?
26 In 1870 Applegarth was war correspondent in the Franco-Prussian war for the Sheffield Independent , Scotsman , and New York World .
27 Leave 2345 Monday , land back at Gatwick 0815 Tuesday am Manchester to Dalaman , 4hr 40min Boeing 757 , Air 2000 Leave 2330 Monday , land back at Manchester 0900 Tuesday .
28 As announced on 12 March , their net income for the year ending 31 December was $4 million .
29 Among these Pythagoreans was Lysis of Tarentum , who was to be the teacher of the Theban statesman Epaminondas , but attempts to link Theban politics with Pythagorean philosophy are not convincing .
30 And treking down the streets of downtown Kathmandu is Jan Turner …
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