Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The cirque was made , it seems , even before the period of glaciation , by water finding its way out from the mass if of the Monte Perdido behind and undermining the cliffs , though it was the glacier , shreds only of which are left , that eventually cleared this gigantic bowl of its debris .
2 In the event the union of Foix and Béarn in 1290 effectively solved one aspect of the controversy — Roger-Bernard III , count of Foix and vicomté of Béarn , now embodied the claims of both houses to Bigorre .
3 Maxine , the receptionist , runs a small shop and tries to keep the sand at bay as our sailors trudge it into the bar in exchange for that badly needed cool drink .
4 He really was brought up in his tracks , and said , when he brought her home , well if that only made one person think , it 's been worth it .
5 But that only posed another question : Why so frightened ?
6 Some weeks ago , I went to a most exciting block of modern flats called Waterside Point , near Battersea Bridge , that only opened last year .
7 The regional seasonally adjusted jobless total , the best indication of the underlying trend , now stands at 152,900 , equivalent to 11pc of the workforce the highest figure of any region on mainland Britain .
8 He owes his staff , fellow trustees , and the public an unambiguous answer as to whether he or the government was responsible for that disastrously mistaken museological policy .
9 The British vigorously argued this case , and rejected proposals for some looser arrangement , such as a new version of Lend-Lease to help the Europeans rebuild their defences .
10 There 's this little bent old man with a shopping trolley thing and he bashes it into the back of my legs .
11 The more I thought about it , the more I looked forward to seeing this little known mountainous region , and I had every intention of penetrating at least as far as the Webi Shebeli river .
12 This widely disliked 7 per cent value added tax was even unpopular within sections of the PCP .
13 The Federal Assembly on Dec. 12 overwhelmingly approved new constitutional arrangements on the division of powers between the federal government and the country 's two constituent republics , the Czech Lands and Slovakia .
14 In addition , there are some industrially based transnational union organizations , for example the International Metalworkers Federation , and the International Union of Food and Allied Workers ' Associations , and these have been involved in genuine transnational labour struggles , and have gained some short term victories .
15 This effectively defined black people in the street , especially black youth , as potential criminals .
16 Eighteen percent of their mines have this so called deep cut system , but has more than fifty percent of all the fatal accidents in those eighteen percent of the mines .
17 The Bank publishes the total amount of this so called late assistance , although not the terms on which it has been granted .
18 Erm , now as as this so called generous funding in fact , the police authority are facing a straight deficit of three hundred and twenty-eight thousand , they are facing a further deficit of four hundred and twenty-five thousand because they have only been given one and a half percent for pay , where all the information we have been given from the Home Office , you can shake your head as much as you like Chairman , it is in fact true , and in fact , in fact as reported in the Guardian , on , only the day before yesterday , yet again the police bill is to be , almost certainly four percent , not one and a half .
19 Unfortunately , this so incensed some supporters that an ugly incident occurred which was sensationally reported in the Whaddon and Mitchley Argus under the banner headline ‘ Ref Struck by String ’ .
20 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
21 The Rheidol trains are smart and well cared for while the mix of locomotive liveries has brought some much needed added interest .
22 This only reached statistical significance for stearic acid ( C18:0 ) and long chain n6 polyunsaturated fatty acids in ulcerative colitis and for arachidonic acid ( C20:4n6 ) in Crohn 's disease .
23 But this only brought new difficulties .
24 While this obviously placed great limitations on the evidence available to social anthropologists it also spared them.the problems of trying to find out what help they could get from documentary sources .
25 The average payment made in 1985 was 852 although this obviously concealed considerable variations .
26 This eagerly awaited in-house project promises similar acclaim to that which has greeted previous productions including ‘ The Duchess of Malfi ’ — ( 1981 — ‘ 99.9% pure theatrical magic ’ Time Out ) , ‘ The Double ’ ( 1986 Time Out Critics ' Choice ) and ‘ Timon of Athens ’ ( 1989 — ‘ One of the most beautiful shows I have seen ’ , Germaine Greer , The Late Show BBC2 ) .
27 Like The Krays , it deals in mythical allegories rather than historical realism , and swerves unevenly between some nicely controlled dark comedy and unintentionally funny ‘ poetic ’ dialogue .
28 Anything to escape from this highly charged claustrophobic situation , to get away from this blasted bed and its connotations .
29 In order to substantiate her claim , India has permitted several foreign expeditions , always accompanied by a team of nationals , to visit this highly restricted military area — a combat zone in the heart of the greatest collection of unclimbed peaks in the Karakoram .
30 Aside from our Opening and Closing Galas and special Mid Festival screenings , we will be putting the spotlight on the best films from the international festival circuit and some eagerly awaited new releases .
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