Example sentences of "[adj] [pers pn] [be] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll s I 've got ta say to him I 've taken your advice Normal I 'm I 'm having the two one six G T I .
2 I am writing direct to say I hope we may meet when you are in the UK next month , and sorry I am you were too busy to manage even a few words on the ‘ phone earlier this week .
3 First er but I 've been tol I 'm sorry I 'm I have n't realized Scott was joining us on the line .
4 Look s s seriously the point the point I 'm making is that for for most jobs of an average sort of size , what happens under A C E scale fees as I understand it , if I 'm wrong I 'm I stand corrected .
5 And that fairly quickly , but erm , it 's it really producing plants in a a forced situation , which I do n't translate into others , and grow strongly elsewhere , and er , I 'm afraid I 'm I 'm no expert in this plan .
6 If he knew how old she was he might want her to tell him what she had been doing the last few years .
7 With the certainly massive costs of the exercise ( just how high they were I have not discovered ) it is a pity to feel a little uncertain about the validity of the work .
8 With the certainly massive costs of the exercise ( just how high they were I have not discovered ) it is a pity to feel a little uncertain about the validity of the work .
9 well done , I never can get that word out I stumble with it every time and that gets a signal from the brain that says this is a difficult situation this is something I 'm not used to this is some I it 's very primitive it 's it 's from the days in the jungle or whatever er a fear of fright over absolute it 's fight or flight , and that 's why you start breathing quicker because the blood wants more oxygen because it 's ready to run or to fight because the muscles , it is
10 Kitchen , ey it 's tiled li , like this it 's you know , the best way to do them , like in n it
11 This has all been changed I 'm afraid this it 's it 's all in the process of being changed and then inserted into these er these are older packs I 'm getting just using up .
12 I 've got the Graham wanted to well unfortunately Graham this one 's a bit dangerous so I 'm having to do it so if anything goes wrong it 's me that gets it and not you .
13 And er the spoolers think they 're better than us , cos they get higher pay than us , they think it 's er they 're more skilled , it takes them to longer to train to do the job seemingly but they could n't , we have to sort their repairs again if they do anything wrong it 's us that have
14 sort of a figure of speech , but with narrative it 's it was always understood that the words would be spelled out more
15 I 'm afraid it 's me . ’
16 Something has to break : you are afraid it is you
17 ‘ A Gnat honours his promise , ’ I told him , and I took his kite down off the racks I was amazed how light it was It was beautiful It was big , silicon black , with scarlet lines , and when I took it outside , the sun flashed rainbows off the shoulder hooks .
18 How old he was she was n't sure , but he was certainly older than Nicky , she decided , and much more mature .
19 so show you how old it is I mean now it
20 Now talking bout the Cosmo , I 'll come back to that again because there was a lad there and he was in the Independent Labour Party , and er his name was Eric and er this pamphlet will tell you said he answered more questions when he spoke , and at nineteen he was he spoke , he answered more questions than any other speaker had ever answered at the Cosmo you know he got a record for answering questions .
21 Despite these setbacks , which essentially put Intel back on the delivery schedule it first mapped out for Pentium , Unisys is quick to say how delighted it is it chose Intel 's part over any of the RISC technologies .
22 Despite these setbacks , which essentially put Intel back on the delivery schedule it first mapped out for Pentium , Unisys is quick to say how delighted it is it chose Intel 's CISC over any of the RISC technologies .
23 I did tell him how much it was I said sixteen pound sixteen pound for Angela .
24 When he saw how upset she was he gripped her by both shoulders .
25 Do you find tha that that you 're you 're bringing traditions to people ?
26 right okay em are you free a bit later on this afternoon , probably around about threeish possibly ?
27 She said how glad she was they had somewhere nice to stay and that she hoped they were being good and making their beds and helping with the washing up and remembering to clean their teeth .
28 He 'll be so glad it 's me that knows and it can only bring us closer together .
29 And , like I say , I 'm glad it 's you sorting the stuff .
30 ‘ Oh my friends , I am glad it 's you .
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