Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 At six o'clock there was always bread and milk for supper , and at eight o'clock it was bedtime , but no warm arms cuddled her .
2 It dawned on me last season , as we took a first-minute lead over Carlton Town West Saxons , that perhaps it was Fate that plucked pink , 544 , from the hat .
3 Our Scott woke up one Saturday night about half past about eleven o'clock it was screaming , I said what 's the matter , , I thought I , but he do n't never ever cry really did .
4 Well I 'm telling you they stuck it they had a sort of flat bottomed cart and they used to stick it in and when they came there they , they lifted it off and stuck it in the ground and it was just similar to that only it was hooped
5 But I mean being in the water I had no life jacket or anything like that so it was a matter of trying to keep afloat and er kicking off my boots and getting me overalls .
6 Cos the back end you know is is slightly higher than the front end and we 'd just got it in and the front was about that so it was n't gon na Oh well can you imagine the perspiration there would be ,
7 Oh that well it Well it was just like sitting in in the barn and this well it was a laugh .
8 I thought you were forty well it were your birthday in September were n't it ?
9 I now have a molecule of this there it was there again , now it 's back in again and out now they 're gone now they 're back !
10 Well the last time I bought some then it was three pound something for me and you .
11 However , where the carer was non-resident then it was usually the daughter or daughter-in-law ( 60 per cent ) .
12 Just lovely And was no broken again it was just standing kind of like , Really made a good job .
13 Koresh zeroed in on this and tried to bring it closer to where we are to make it more real so it was uppermost in the minds of all his followers .
14 Firstly it was n't put secondly is inadmissible thirdly it was n't marked as a question .
15 Where the parents were of radically different types this led to the degeneration of the qualities of the higher race , but if the racial outcrossing was between individuals whose characteristics were complementary or similar then it was beneficial .
16 Thus , at 1 µm the CCPR was reduced from 4.96–2.15 cells/crypt/hour , at 10 mM it was reduced from 4.71–2.10 cells/crypt/hour , and at 100 pM it was reduced from 4.86–2.67 cells/crypt/hour .
17 The Gnostic teacher , Cerinthus , was active in Asia Minor at the time when John wrote , and he taught that the heavenly Christ came upon the human Jesus only at his baptism , and left him before his passion : the union between them only seemed to be real -actually it was merely temporary .
18 That aside it was a good performance .
19 And still it seemed right still it was free of the slightest tinge of shame .
20 They 'd have a little fancy shawl or My Grandma used to always have a fancy shawl that Just a small thing that came , you know , a bit down their back and And my Grandma used to wear erm a white much It was just thing like a baby 's A cotton thing , tied with a just a string , you know just to erm just a tie under her chin and it would have a wee bit of lace s on the corner , or the or the end of the tie , that was through the day and it was all ruffled , and then when she was on holiday and came into town she had a a thing on her head made of velvet and it all had fancy little things in it .
21 I graduated in fifty-seven so it was one year 's in fifty-eight .
22 The problem was that the whole thing had become so complex — it was n't only what he was going to do now but there was the stuff back at the club , there was Ashdown and what he knew , there was the whole sorry business of his suspension and the charges against him … taken one piece at a time it seemed bad enough , but taken all together it was far too much for his mind to handle .
23 But what an extraordinary perhaps it was !
24 At 4 a.m. it was purely by chance that Bob Newman first heard that Tweed had murdered and then raped a girl .
25 Philip was almost sure now it was Caspar .
26 If she believed in anything at all then it was that .
27 Above all else it was the circumstantial and highly sympathetic accounts of complex and sophisticated tribal institutions and beliefs produced in the crucial inter-war period which finally destroyed the archaic stereotype of the rustic tribesman as a congenitally incapacitated simpleton , incapable of rational reasoning or civilized living .
28 At eight a.m. it was pouring with rain , and very cold , as the partners of Yeo Davis straggled in through the neat entrance , their footsteps echoing on the tiles .
29 And er process was er match-guising so it was You know they were list They listened to three different people well th th they thought it was three people it was one person doing three ac the three accents er dialects sorry .
30 Dating from 1330 BC it was probably carved for the Karnak temple complex on the east bank of the Nile .
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