Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] i have " in BNC.

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1 The few days I spent on that trip will stay in my mind as some of the most pleasant times I have ever spent .
2 It is an observable fact that the greatest drivers I have known have all been highly safety conscious : a sign that their minds ruled their instincts .
3 In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play and here have I caught sight of him that is formless .
4 I am left to live out my life with only the few possessions I have managed to buy from my pension , because of Gary .
5 None of my friends have children and all the mother-and-toddler groups I have been to are full of older mums .
6 The broken states I have named are in a condition of near ruin .
7 In some cases I have deliberately not mentioned a particular plant because I consider it to be unsuitable for pressing , but I am sure that there are many plants not listed that will press very well .
8 Anybody wants some copies I have a few copies here .
9 This is unsettling , and makes me realise that for those three and a half hours I have been the still and passive object of her intuition as well as her technical skill .
10 This technique is a favourite of mine and can be found in different songs I have recorded .
11 Apollinaire concludes : ‘ I believe that in these few words I have conveyed the true meaning of Cubism : a new and lofty artistic movement , but not a rigid school inhibiting talent . ’
12 Over the last few months I have been working my way through the variation switches .
13 Over the past few months I have noticed a slight decrease in the amount of information being sent for publication in Touchline .
14 I mean , at last I will be able to try out all the French words I have been learning .
15 During the last 12 months I have been very encouraged with the way you have continued to work effectively — meeting deadlines that seemed impossible and coming up with ideas for cost savings within your own departments .
16 ‘ Should you come to town , I am sorry that I can not offer you a home pro tempore — pro trumpery indeed it would be , if I did not make any such offer — for unless you occupied the grate as a seat — I see no probability of your finding any rest consonant with the safety of my parrots — seeing , that of the six chairs I possess — 5 are at present occupied with lithographic prints : — the whole of my exalted & delightful upper tenement in fact overflows with them , and for the last 12 months I have so moved — thought — looked at , — & existed among parrots — that should any transmigration take place at my decease I am sure my soul would be very uncomfortable in anything but one of the psittacidae . ’
17 It is one of the most interesting books I have ever read … not because Rorty is claiming to have discovered the Truth but because he has written a fine description of our confusion and of our capacity to create our own selves .
18 It was one of the most powerful , positive and visionary speeches I have heard her give in eleven years .
19 Thank you that the painful experiences I have been through are no surprise to you .
20 I confess she was one of the merriest tumbles I have ever had .
21 That would be a mistake : this is one of the most satisfying and interesting CDs I have come across in a long while .
22 The only English phrases I have learned so far are : " You have a beautiful figure " …
23 If the high expectations I have of a partner are based on past experience rather than romantic ideology , so are the expectations I have of myself .
24 Over the last 30 years I have kept a fairly meticulous diary , and this includes not just fishing detail but an accurate record of the conditions .
25 During the 30 years I have lived in the US , as a student and university teacher , I have never seen the large carbuncles and boils described by Robert Mandeville ( ’ The natural history of boils ’ , 20 January , p164 ) , although they were common during my school days and army service in England from 1944 to 1952 and I suffered from them myself on three occasions .
26 He commented : ‘ In the 30 years I have been with Unilever these are the first redundancies .
27 He commented : ‘ In the 30 years I have been with Unilever these are the first redundancies .
28 For some years I have been thinking of buying a word processor but have not yet taken the plunge .
29 For some years I have been running what is the largest programme in the world for the direct teaching of thinking as a curriculum subject in schools .
30 For some years I have been campaigning to open up the unofficial footpath along the north edge of the field bordering Baberton golf course , which links Muirwood Road to Bloomiehall Park .
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