Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ How we came out of that alive is beyond me .
2 The only way to bring figures like this alive is to be crude and personalize them .
3 Most gas fields occur where the vitrinite reflectance at the Top Carboniferous is between 1 and 2% Rm , a few fields are located between 2 and 3% Rm and only one small field ( Uchte ) is located where the vitrinite reflectance is 4.5% Rm .
4 But the main point is this : that irrespective of whether an analysis is embarked upon from the position of an openly stated or tacitly assumed ontological bias , or whether , on the contrary , the question of an ultimate choice of basic ontological existents is deliberately left undecided , it is usually taken for granted that the concept of an ontological existent is in general well understood .
5 Congress , this composite is about a deceit , a deceit by the Tory government , of men and women , over their working lives women in particular who have been contributing their stamp all their working lives and are now being told that there is a danger that they will not get their state pensions at sixty .
6 The socially efficient level of production of the public good is at Q * ; , where the marginal social benefit equals the marginal social cost .
7 Peasant conservatism is just as much an ideology to the planner as the greater public good is to the crofter If way of life is natural and familiar , ideology is contrived and foreign .
8 A local public good is to be provided in each locality and the cost is to be shared equally by residents .
9 ‘ Last summer , before the markets looked up , there were some companies whose solvency margins looked very thin and Scottish Equitable were towards the bottom of these .
10 SCOTTISH Nuclear is considering buying fuel from abroad for its nuclear power stations at Torness and Hunterston as part of its drive to cuts its costs by 25 per cent over the next few years .
11 Since this internegative was at the same stage as Yuricich 's dupe , two generations of film had been skipped to produce a higher quality shot in which the join is much harder to detect .
12 In 1971 I was hoping for great things , because the British Open was at Birkdale , my home-course , but Tom could n't handle Birkdale .
13 The figure of 120,000 Lebanese dead is at least 20,000 higher than the estimated total of fatalities for all the Lebanese wars between 1975 and 1989 , including the 1982 Israeli invasion .
14 The adjacent New Observatory in Roman Doric is by Playfair ( 1818 ) .
15 A survey of aid agencies has targeted the city , as one of many throughout Britain where the number of under twenties sleeping rough is on the up .
16 Human language is unique to humans , and although some of the distinctive features of human speech , such as the mimicking of sounds , may be observed in other species , the resemblance between , for instance , the trained gesturing of a chimpanzee and communication via sign language among the human deaf is in some senses no greater than the resemblance between the speech of a parrot and that of its owner .
17 Lazzlo Kalmar , the director general of Hungary 's National Labour Organisation , meanwhile , appeared to confirm that plans to introduce a nationwide computer network to automate the payment of benefits to Hungary 's 663,000 unemployed was on hold .
18 If the energies of these young are to be directed along constructive lines , the proposed new political formation is undoubtedly the best way to achieve it .
19 It is highly likely that interglacial sea levels are represented by marine terraces or raised beaches , but the levels associated with each interglacial are to some extent in dispute .
20 Grand Central was in effect two stations , as the contemporary cutaway illustrations were concerned to show , stations with more complex multiple levels below ground than there were above it .
21 There is a sense in which all grieving is for ourselves , so whether or not we loved the lost one can be irrelevant : all that matters is that they played an important part in our lives .
22 The only time he seemed to be bold and at all resolute was in contradicting Joe 's apparent errors .
23 All equal are within the Church 's gate …
24 Many observers have argued that some form of planning is therefore essential if the optimum outcome for all concerned is to be achieved , but carefully administered recreational facilities in the countryside will not be sufficient on their own .
25 All concerned were in collusion — signalmen , drivers , firemen and guards .
26 If you 've got permed hair or have been inspired by Making Waves on Page 8 , then this great give-away is for you !
27 A lack of mobility on the part of many within the cities has inevitably meant that an increasing number of those remaining are in some way disadvantaged ( Redfern , 1982 ; Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , 1984 ) .
28 The three-bedroomed cottage was certainly rare in Dorothea 's time , but by the close of Queen Victoria 's reign the majority of those new-built were of this type .
29 Almost all of those fleeing were from the Greek minority living in southern Albania ; most were unskilled men in their 20s and early 30s .
30 As such , they need constant updating — especially if the perceived trend towards reduced pub-going is to be reversed .
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