Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] you " in BNC.

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1 Besides , Georgina must know that Fowler-Thrown and Ivor were rivals ; and that was the blandest possible construction you could put on their relationship .
2 ‘ Getting my own back , ’ Dexter smiled , ‘ for all that bloody opera you were playing in the car today . ’
3 That half-hearted performance you put on back at the police station wo n't be enough to convince her , not after what she witnessed last night … all your near-hysterical ramblings ! ’
4 That awful girl you took to Greece , ’ explained Lydia .
5 I could n't get Nutty to wear that flowered frock you gave him , he 's dead ignorant and I wish you 'd send the lads to sort him out again .
6 What 's more , you 'll be taking me , because if you refuse I 'll have the lot of you out of this house before you can turn round … you , that haughty bitch you married , and the three bastards she brought with her .
7 The reader 's time and money would be better spent reading that classic novel you have been putting off for years .
8 They 're modern , yet they have a distinct hint of that classic flavour you 're after . ’
9 What was that strange pill you just gave me ?
10 Indeed , it is the historic old houses you are likely to recall long after the memory of the well kept gardens , water sports , smart promenades and bathing pools have faded .
11 ‘ What 's that horrendous creature you have about your person ? ’
12 What a strange medieval mind you have , I thought .
13 Just what is this little cat-and-mouse game you 've been playing ? ’
14 Now you got that old watch you er
15 The article was accompanied by that old picture you 've all seen before of Jonny Woodward on Beau Geste at Froggatt , described in the caption as a ‘ prime potential target for bolting ’ .
16 but it just does n't want to get too soft because that old hill you know it it does get a big of a drag .
17 ‘ Colourful , I grant , but underneath that conspicuous plumage you will get to know , if you are as lucky as you are ambitious , a very down-to-earth bird .
18 That funny stuff you gave me you gave me ?
19 That funny wor' you used , ’ said Rincewind impatiently .
20 ‘ I am referring to that foolish note you wrote me , ’ Theda said , winding her hair into a plait as she spoke , her voice deliberately cool over the tremors inside her .
21 Now I know what you should do with all that free time you have : acting .
22 What 's that interesting plant you 've got there ?
23 Yes that brown crayon you 've got in your hand 'll do .
24 Is that raw egg you 're eating , do you like it ?
25 And it 's funny things some of these travellers Oh you get some awful travellers you know , Southern some of them .
26 They 'd heard this awful racket you see and they 'd thought it was me coming and falling or something on the stairs .
27 On a visit to this historic church you will see a magnificent Romanesque nave , a Norman font with medieval cover , rare wall paintings of the 14th century , the gilded alabaster tomb of Sir Anthony Browne to whom Henry VIII granted the Abbey , Crusaders ’ crosses carved by sword and the Senlac Commemorative Window .
28 Try to do it on the cheap , however , and you could get lumbered with a lot of high priced product you simply do n't know how to shift .
29 Imagine , if you will , one Aztec priest arguing with another in the year 1452 : ‘ I have made calculations that indicate it is nearly impossible for intelligent beings to exist in this hypothetical world you call Europe .
30 There are broadly four key areas to become familiar with when dealing in statistics and then there are some specific techniques you can profitably learn .
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