Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] find [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
2 Labour candidates found themselves pledged to unilateral disarmament , withdrawal from the European Community and an economic policy that would have brought the country to bankruptcy within weeks .
3 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
4 According to General Accident , about 50,000 drivers find themselves stranded on the autobahn every year .
5 In equal isolation at the Intercontinental Hotel , 16 miles away , Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and a diet of gentle assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel , the Saudi Foreign Minister , that optimism was the order of the day , but while he had heard of some disputes in the parliamentary chamber , he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan .
6 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
7 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
8 The Time of Troubles had further weakened their position , and as the Duma swelled in size from about 30 in the 1620s to almost 180 in the 1680s , the old families found themselves dissolving among the parvenus .
9 The planned Leipzig Museum for Contemporary Art was conceived back in 1987 , before the reunification of Germany , as a place in which art from both East and West could be seen together a means of ending the isolation that East German museums found themselves in .
10 Suddenly , these would-be commercial recyclers find themselves swamped with offers of free material from Germany .
11 Here , some teachers found themselves , often for the first time in their careers , with the opportunity to engage in depth with a small number of individuals , yet were not always able fully to exploit the possibilities because sustained questioning and discussion at that level required them to have a clear framework of the kinds of question they wished to promote and a grasp of the ways a sequence of such questions related to the wider map of the curriculum area in which a particular learning task was located .
12 Perhaps the cooler attitude and the rigours of endless hours of practice are the reasons why so many top players find themselves in extended slumps and periods of burn out .
13 Mosley 's political trajectory was an extreme reaction to the dilemma in which British socialists found themselves .
14 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
15 Those who in peacetime seemed brave or merely quaint for believing in all those old doctrines found themselves in wartime much in demand , some as evangelists , some as prophets , some as teachers .
16 Our society has tended to place women in a subservient relationship to men and some women find themselves drawn towards dominant or dependent partners and thus fail to assert their own needs as individuals .
17 The Social Democrats found themselves without influence inside a hard-line Stalinist party .
18 The warblers ' own young are turfed out of the deeply cupped reed nest by the cuckoo chick soon after it hatches and the foster parents find themselves feeding an enormous monster with a huge red gape and insatiable appetite — a monster which will eventually grow to three times their size .
19 The real researchers found themselves as restricted as the employed technicians , and soon left in frustration .
20 The fortunate survivors find themselves with a wealth of food and very little competition in which to grow to their maximum potential .
21 This may have played some role in the big decline in the profitability of Japanese industry over the same period as Japanese exporters were forced to accept lower profit margins , but there will have been some compensating improvement in the profitability of import-competing industries in the United States and Europe as Japanese exporters found themselves obliged to raise their prices to recoup some of the cost increases .
22 Thus political leaders of lesser developed countries found themselves part of a government that had officially accepted a family planning programme or soil conservation programme ( or both ) , but were aware that there was widespread opposition locally to both .
23 Individual families found themselves divided ; the most troublesome and devious of the Sussex Royalists , Sir Edward Ford , was the brother-in-law of the Parliamentary General Ireton .
24 An in-depth study of our early land law reveal(s) the existence of a substantial body of Islamic legal principles , a historical fact which contemporary scholars find themselves in difficulty to accept , having been so engrossed with the civil law system introduced in these shores after the arrival of the English administrators towards the close of the eighteenth century .
25 Such men found themselves , however , fighting what became all too clearly a rearguard action .
26 As pressure for land grows , more and more of Sri Lanka 's surviving elephants find themselves cut off in small patches of forest surrounded by agriculture .
27 Moreover , these groups found themselves to be in a catch 22 — no win — situation so far as their own political action was concerned .
28 As the mines became deeper companies found themselves unable to provide the necessary capital for winding and pumping equipment .
29 In comparison with ‘ conventional ’ offenders , corporate executives find themselves in an enviable position .
30 In response to the electric field in which these charges find themselves , the positive and negative charges will slightly separate .
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