Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] which [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In other words , black in 4 , although not devoid of meaning , is not a semantic constituent : it does not carry one of the set of simpler meanings which on combination yield the global meaning of the sentence .
2 To achieve this they pursued tight monetary policies which in many cases involved setting targets for the growth in money supply .
3 Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed .
4 But if worship is the foundation of all the Church 's other activities , greater priority must be given to matters liturgical and musical , even at the expense of some subjects which at present form part of the syllabus .
5 TWO residential homes which for many years have cared for young people and the elderly are being closed by the Salvation Army .
6 There are further areas which in time year will allow that trend to continue , I 'm aware of the fact that there will probably be in the course of the evening that suggest that greater efficiencies can be found in a variety of areas whether it be in or wherever else .
7 Separate Audit and Remuneration Committees under the Chairmanship of have been constituted to formally replace the Committee of Non-Executive Directors which for many years has provided the Executive Chairman with independent advice on matters concerning the appointment and remuneration of Executive Directors and senior executives and on audit .
8 Calvados is n't always easy to come by in this country and such as we can get is usually one or other of the commercial brands which in spite of their high prices are pretty crude .
9 The main assumptions of this debate are structured by concepts and social conventions which through the past centuries have helped us to understand reality : keywords of emerging bourgeois society like ‘ individual ’ , ‘ society ’ , ‘ state ’ , ‘ market ’ , ‘ democracy ’ have slightly different connotations in different Western societies and in different periods but — on the whole — form the common language with which we communicate about complex processes and attempt to understand and structure them .
10 There may be some weathering her and there After a few weeks which to Willis , however , seemed like a few years , the broker 's solicitors made a conditional offer for the poor old barge , and finally agreed to pay £1500 , provided that Dreadnought was still in shipshape condition six months hence , in the spring of 1962 .
11 Scarlet admitted that if this was not precisely the case , there was yet room for considering it probable : she had often found difficulty in summoning the aid of the force , being directed by a controller to different stations which in turn would advise her to try elsewhere .
12 Finally , extensive use was made of published sources which for BR in particular are quite voluminous .
13 Asked to name sources of credit out of the blue , people might well simply leave out or forget about some sources which in practice they could use , if they were offered that type of credit when they were buying .
14 The Zuwaya maintained an image of statelessness and an identity as free persons which from time to time became an active force in their politics .
15 Suffice it to say at this point that because of the complex and changing world in which the public sector operates , implementation of policies may solve certain problems but is likely to throw up further problems which in turn need to be solved : hence the cyclical nature of the policy-making process .
16 Empiricist theories of knowledge , for example , are presented as a legitimating ideology for individualist social theories which in turn are part of a bourgeois outlook , and are said to pose questions designed to justify the individual as knower and as agent .
17 Indeed this is what used to happen : there is the Cycladic material in British museums which at an earlier stage was given by the Greek government ; this is secondary material but of considerable interest .
18 Table 4.3 gives details of population change over the two decades for the twenty counties and Scottish regions which in 1981 had the lowest population densities ( i.e. were the most rural ) .
19 In ten years ' time we shall no doubt still be using the techniques discussed in this chapter but we may also have opened up new avenues of research by widening the range of materials examined and by using other scientific techniques which at present are only at the development stage .
20 In times of boom , any high rates which by necessity are being paid on one site , may by discussion with other sub-contractors in that trade result in a demand for similar increases on other sites .
21 First , it referred to the ability of a worker to move about within a workshop — hopefully from process to process — a mobility bestowed by ‘ knowledge ’ of different processes which in turn involved familiarity with the tools of the trade and the necessary skill to use them .
22 Or thirdly , it could accept the patchwork quilt of ill-constructed tribunals which at present exists , and endeavour to remedy some of their more obvious defects .
23 They 've used old tiles which of course helps — but the proportion , the way the thing 's built … ‘ by the old people of the old materials in the old unhurrying way' ’ but at the same time ‘ ‘ sweet to all modern uses ' ’ … and who do you think did this for her ? — a young chap called Lutyens , 27 he is — and I 've always heard him derided by the Schultz school as a ‘ ‘ society , , architect .
24 They did not — and it was admittedly no part of their business to do so — inform us for which purposes the existing social services are ‘ excessive ’ ; and it may be observed that other commentators , political and non-political , though they are frequently willing to indicate social services which in their opinion are ‘ inadequate ’ , are extremely taciturn when it comes to illustrating the more obvious half of the truism with specific examples .
25 They are more plausible when taken as responses to a question about dependent conditionals which in fact has more claim to be regarded as the principal one .
26 When pursued , they shoot out of the water and spread greatly elongated , broad pectorals which until now have been held close to the body .
27 This latter is the product of teaching which uses for its arbiter of right and wrong , contentious standards which have been produced from long established religions which in turn claim to have mystic knowledge of right and wrong supplied by some extraterrestrial and undefined ‘ god ’ .
28 In the planning process , plans are prepared for each business unit which are consolidated into divisional plans which in turn are consolidated into the total corporate plan .
29 Addressing a press conference in Paris on Jan. 17 , Sharif said that Pakistan had not requested a nuclear plant , which had been promised by France during a visit to Pakistan by French President François Mitterrand in February 1990 , as it involved accepting " comprehensive safeguards which for Pakistan today is not possible " .
30 His solution is plausible , and essentially traditional — a suite of seven tiny movements which as serious concert music might just seem too relentlessly pleasant , but which as a Glyndebourne musical appetizer would no doubt blend very agreeably with garden scents , summer evening breezes and pre-performance small-talk .
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