Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] if i " in BNC.

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1 Mind you , I expect much the same could be said about my second-year essays if I 'm absolutely honest .
2 I could get to the car-park in a few minutes if I wanted to and be near him , thinking of him — his problems over , lying on the brown eiderdown in his blue pyjamas .
3 Will you pop and get some chips if I get you some money ?
4 A final demand from the Gas Board and a threat from Glasgow Public Libraries if I did n't return The Maltese Falcon and pay my seventeen-and-six fine they 'd permanently withdraw my ticket and cut my left hand off .
5 I dread to think where the pound would have been in the past few days if I had followed the advice of Opposition Members .
6 Oh , and I 'd stay out of the swimming pool for a few days if I were you , unless you can keep your head above water .
7 ‘ Miss Fraser , I 'd like to ask you a few questions if I may . ’
8 I 'll get some grapes if I may .
9 Before I call the proposer and the seconder of the motion on the Loyal Address , it may be for the convenience of hon. Members if I inform the House that the proposed subjects for debate for the rest of this week and for next week are as follows :
10 ‘ I would turn down ads for foreign foods if I was offered them , ’ added the Scottish-born actor , who owns a Jaguar and a Rolls Royce .
11 I do carry a few prizes if I have requests but I prefer to have people involved and enjoying games for the fun of joining in and having a good time , rather than to win a reward .
12 Some boys if I 'm to be honest , but we have n't yet worked out the right way of gong about it .
13 ‘ I said in court that I might see 200 such challenges if I attended four games in a week — and I stand by that .
14 For instance , I get white fingers if I swim in cold seas .
15 I believe that the new generation of " 16 bit " machines ( such as the ACT Sirius 1 ) will prove to be well capable of meeting these demands If I may be permitted one small advertisement , I do not expect it to be long before I can fulfil my objective of promoting the use of micros in personnel through the marketing of systems developed specifically for this field .
16 A : hello Mr Parkin this is Guy Cook here B : yes A : er do you remember um sending us a er an estimate for electrical repairs * for a hundred and fifty pounds * well I 've er just had a word with the Electricity Board with an engineer called Mr Golding and he tells me that the er the list of jobs you gave us unless there 's any special circumstances should not be more than around one hundred pounds B : oh * A : well he said he 'd have to look at it of course but er is there some special reason why you thought it would cost more A : well would you be prepared to do it for the price he quoted B : no A : well why not B : I ca n't afford it not with my wages and overheads £ I have A : well £ why should I pay an extra fifty pounds if I can get it done cheaper * B : well if you can do that * do
17 I do n't think I 'd be in very good you know , in your good books if I did that ?
18 ‘ I would n't be involved with so many stations if I thought it might , ’ Luke told her drily .
19 Emma had mounted the first step of the stairs and she was unwinding her scarf when she turned and looked down on her mother , saying , ‘ I would have been many things if I had been brought up in peace . ’
20 ‘ I 'd smash them with my bare hands if I could .
21 I ca n't enjoy the good ones if I do n't experience the bad ones .
22 A result , I ca n't hear myself speaking if I are the policy and resources committee there were other they were erm er in the debate there were some very good cases brought in to it and some erm good recommendations and this is why I 'm surprised I 'm er forget now why , there were some who were er against by majority because I believe that when we look down on the decisions of the P N O , we have made some very good recommendations if I say so it says on twenty , paragraph twenty in and you people on this authority , members of this authority have been saying a a clear definition of the role of the local government now and for the next twenty years , should underpin any consideration of local authority management structures and the role of members and therefore the joint working party 's consideration begin from an inadequate base .
23 Right , right , it 's three days at , all expenses if I win here at .
24 ‘ I would like to ask you one or two more questions if I may . ’
25 I 'll fight tough guys if I have to , but not my friends .
26 Well , I doubt if I have a single drop of aristocratic blood in my veins , but I certainly plan to seek an invitation to enjoy those grounds if I can win permission for a search .
27 Perhaps I will convey a better idea of the tone of those evenings if I say that regular visitors included the likes of Mr Harry Graham , valet-butler to Sir James Chambers , and Mr John Donalds , valet to Mr Sydney Dickenson .
28 It should sell like hot cakes if I knock it into the right sort of shape .
29 The tax man does n't allow you to stop , he 's a gangster and I 'd fight every four or five weeks if I could , ’ he said .
30 See , I get three small pizzas if I took all these off .
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