Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] can do " in BNC.

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1 No one who contemplates the brutal war that has racked Croatia over the last few months can do so without a deep feeling of sorrow and shame : sorrow that such devastation and misery should disfigure our continent in 1991 , and shame that we have been unable to do anything to halt the carnage and destruction .
2 Where the attraction is bound up with notions of privilege and status then there is little that LEA funded schools can do to compete .
3 There is little the High Elves can do to stop them at this point .
4 It 's amazing what solidifying some areas can do to a fragmented part of your painting .
5 It is clear both from Scripture and in the long experience of the Church , that some Christians can do this much more effectively than the majority .
6 A book with a title like this has to be full of choice bits of information that confirm what most of us who have been in the Services have always known — that high-ranking officers can do the daftest things .
7 Fraser of Neill 's claimed that only " a few men can set music and only a few men can do a table and only a few men can do anything out of the way " . "
8 Fraser of Neill 's claimed that only " a few men can set music and only a few men can do a table and only a few men can do anything out of the way " . "
9 Which lesser men can do . ’
10 Few others can do it , you see .
11 Moreover , traditional and historical factors can do much to localize the significance of even such evidence as seems firm .
12 The police admit there 's little shopkeepers can do to protect their property from a mechanical digger .
13 An officer who wants to take it easy , for example , or run personal errands can do so with virtual impunity .
14 You know and I know what 100 planes can do to troops , to towns and to transport on roads .
15 That is a monetary tightening of the most threatening sort , because central banks can do little about it .
16 However , mechanical aids can do much to lessen the disability of impaired body structure .
17 I never had any education since I was fourteen so I used the very simplest things when I find the very simple things can do very complicated jobs .
18 Our long term follow up study of patients who underwent urgent cardiac transplantation shows that many such patients can do excellently , both in terms of survival and quality of life .
19 As far as I 'm concerned , you and your Bolshie friends can do what you blooming well like — and that 's not swearing , Father . ’
20 Although an agent may be very impressed by the talent he sees , there are practical difficulties which affect how much agents can do for young actors .
21 Desk Top Publishing can bring benefits to an organisation but only if the requirements are properly defined and there is an appreciation of what such systems can do and the learning curve involved .
22 Individual tasks can do this as well as pair or group tasks .
23 ( No one , of course , believes that the Liberal Democrats can do any more than secure a hung parliament — but there is a very real possibility that this may happen and they are therefore a force to be considered .
24 Some statuses are relatively fixed and there is little individuals can do to change their assignment to particular social positions .
25 It takes as fact that employers , judges and Tory legislators can do no wrong , and so it is hardly surprising that it finds nothing to be said in favour of trade unions .
26 But in London , as in Washington or Paris , there is an increasingly fatalistic view that there is very little governments can do to prevent popular pressure for reunification .
27 What these things can do is to enhance the quality of life by helping us to transmute ‘ stress ’ into positive challenges , thus preventing the onset of apathy or even depression .
28 This , however , makes it impossible for them to feed during the larval stage , as free-swimming tadpoles can do , so they have to nourish themselves with specially large quantities of yolk .
29 And presumably there 's virtually no end to what these devices can do in a much more reliable way than perhaps human beings can do ?
30 All she , and the couples three children can do now is wait .
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