Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It 's one of the best mini ramps ever and the vert ramp is a killer .
2 It says it will subsidise future private operators rather than permit them to raise London commuter fares to commercial levels .
3 By comparing levels of stable isotopes upstream and downstream of the dumping site , the researchers showed that traces of human sewage had entered the foodchain through animals such as urchins and sea cucumbers , which feed on material on the seabed , some 8,000 feet below the surface .
4 The current popular level of application of smoke vents to some 3–5% of the floor area does seem low for the fire loads and rate of growth of fire , likely to be experienced in high-bay warehouses particularly when it is borne in mind that unless similar automatic ingress vent areas are provided at low level the effective ceiling vent areas might well be halved !
5 The superpowers have seen the conflict as a function of their own struggle , and seen regional contestants either as friends or as surrogates of the enemy .
6 Thanks very much for filling in a questionnaire yourself so fully , and for your points about possible dangers here and there .
7 This is a far cry from our Lord 's proclamation of the good news in which salvation is primarily spiritual and moral , not political and social , and in which the act of deliverance itself is wholly unrelated to the reform of social and political institutions even though it should have an implication in that area .
8 We were raging lions then and England 's name was feared from the northern seas to the Straits of Gibraltar .
9 The corporate planning departments therefore felt that they should be more concerned with the overall economic views rather than with details .
10 We estimate that the dissociation time for distamycin at 4°C ( <10 s ) must be at least 500 times faster than that of actinomycin under similar conditions .
11 The six who originally slept about 8 hours did not immediately return to their baseline level , and continued to sleep less than they had before , and even a year later they were sleeping 1 to 1.5 hours less than when they started .
12 No , no messing , I mean I did that ages ago and I , i , it just arrived !
13 Perhaps changing some people 's old and dated views so that soon when other young women undoubtedly become pregnant they will be protected from what I personally find I am going through .
14 At bottom , this critique revolves around the feeling that many groups of professionals ( in our case teachers ) are organised around professional skills rather than client needs .
15 In the current climate of change and innovation , education must anticipate and supply professional skills even before their need is perceived by the profession .
16 Belt sanders are ideal for stripping away painted surfaces quickly and without effort
17 The pilots nicknamed them ‘ gremlins ’ and felt , generally , that they were friendly pranksters rather than dangerous antagonists .
18 Cos I 've still got a bit of a throat and it said for sore throats too if you want .
19 One major difficulty about these notions of prejudice and stereotype concerns the all too common assumption that individuals hold prejudiced views consistently and express them and act in accordance with them in a systematic and uncontradictory manner .
20 The Party Programme , adopted at the same congress , promised only that the Soviet Union would ‘ do what it could ’ to assist socialist-oriented states in the developing world ; and authoritative commentaries made it clear that the USSR preferred the peaceful settlement of regional conflicts rather than the ‘ export of revolution ’ .
21 Some historians have criticised Gladstone 's earlier period of office for reforming institutions rather than society .
22 Andrei , a conscript , swapped Latvian biscuits for Mongolian Arkhi vodka and Vitalie , a teenage cadet , explained the secret of speaking Russian ; you run the hyphenated syllables together and roll your Rs .
23 When the number of bonds , n is large , the angle θ will vary over all possible values so that the sum of all these terms will be zero , and as equation(10.3) will reduce
24 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
25 I think we 're actually getting in each other 's way for the right reasons rather than the wrong reasons , like just said and it 's not a question of somebody else trampling on others er cos I 've heard this sporadically for some time .
26 ‘ I know Limpar has strange attitudes sometimes and that 's probably why Graham gets irritated by him .
27 Pressure from Bruce Millan , EC regional commissioner , has resulted in the Treasury reluctantly accepting that the funds provided by Brussels are additional to government spending rather than part of it and should be steered to specific projects rather than forming part of the spending pool .
28 Eventually , formal administrative structures were created between the Task Force and local government , but the Task Force 's determination to implement specific projects rather than to help create a broader and longer-term strategy for the conurbation inevitably created tensions .
29 Robin commented : ‘ The operation of the monthly audit has drawn the regional operations closer and assisted us in meeting even higher customer service standards .
30 Under the old paradigm , companies are organized into a series of hierarchical tiers so that supervisors at each level can make sure that subordinates act according to plan .
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