Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 At Truro Crown Court Burnett , 18 , of Falmouth , was sentenced to 120 hours community service .
32 Drawing on our years of experience in contracting hotels in major European cities Amsterdam Travel Service AH system simply classifies these hotels in value and comfort terms .
33 All the videos in the Hunters in the Sky series feature many interviews with surviving aces fighter aces from the conflict , and these interviews contrast nicely with the archive camera footage taken ‘ in the field ’ .
34 It is only relevant to you if it actually speeds up , improves , or reduces the cost of your computerized personnel information system .
35 Last week , the Supreme Allied Commanders staff officers were worrying about how to allocate Nato force cuts of 10 or 15 per cent ; today the whole future of the 330,000 US troops in West Germany seems in question .
36 The votes for each nominee in a section shall be calculated as a percentage of the total votes cast in that section and then shall be apportioned in the following manner , Section I Parliamentary Labour Party 30% Section 2 Constituency Labour Parties 30% Section 3 Affiliated organisations 40%
37 Second thing was that having covered absolutely everything she was n't any estate , or at least did n't appear to be any so the surviving spouse was n't very interested in taking out a grant anyway cos it was n't going to get him any funds , so we then have the job of doing what 's called debarring him and basically he renounced his right to be of the administrator and we then had to go under the rules to find the next person which was one of the specific beneficiaries I E the sons .
38 It has a comprehensive index ( Figure 5.3 ) which is reissued four times a year and in the intervening months index supplements are issued .
39 Guild of Agricultural Journalists Year Book : lists specialist writers in this field .
40 Regional Offices London Edinburgh Glasgow Dundee Portsmouth Northampton Belfast Kampala , Uganda Constanta , Romania
41 In both central and regional offices staff members who provide technical and administrative support to educational centres are semi-paralysed in their work by lack of transport , of travel allowances , petrol and educational materials .
42 The code of practice for private homes Home Life ( Avebury , 1984 ) has outlined a level of good practice not yet attained in all local authority homes , particularly in matters such as consultation with residents , consideration of their dignity and respect for personal privacy .
43 At one stage , Labour sheds crocodile tears for the decline in the merchant fleet , yet in the next breath , it says how much more regulation it would like to be applied to the merchant fleet .
44 The Voluntary and Private Sectors Services Unit will shortly produce a standard service agreement which sets out the contract conditions .
45 Your regional Arts Board office should be able to help with information .
46 Scots Guards Mark Wright , 19 , and James Fisher , 24 , were both remanded on 2,000 bail into secure military custody .
47 All of us in the European socialist movement in the European trades union movement insists that employees are not just units of production , but are entitled to rights at work across the European community .
48 He impressed our sectional conference and he will impress this conference as well and this only makes me aware that the G M B , not only now , but in the future , will be a leading force in the issues within the British and the European trades union movement .
49 as if this were not enough , Southend is served by the so-called Misery Line , a blighted stretch of railway that shuttles Essex people irregularly into Fenchurch Street .
50 There is a tradition that the cattle of eastern England have Scandinavian origins , but the West of England influence was strong and during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries Devon blood was widely used in Norfolk ( especially , of course , by Coke of Holkham and his tenants ) , though it did not necessarily have a direct influence on the future Red Poll .
51 During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries garnet jewellery , much of it then using cut stones , enjoyed a notable vogue among the rising middle classes requiring red stones but unable to afford rubies until these became available in good synthetic form during the present century .
52 The population reconstructions of Wrigley and Schofield ( 1981 ) support them and indicate that from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries fertility change was about twice as important as mortality in accounting for variations in population growth , and that declines in mortality were modest until the mid-nineteenth century .
53 Maps in great quantity and superb detail become available from the sixteenth century onwards , and detailed estate records of the seventeenth , eighteenth and nineteenth centuries aid discussion of changing estate structure and policies which is impossible in earlier times .
54 Currently , earmarked funds represent approximately 5% of total Arts Council monies .
55 Sticking with clothing , those hapless popsters OCEAN COLOUR SCENE are grieving over the loss of more than £2,000 worth of T-shirts which managed to fall out of the back of their van while they drove through the Moseley area of Birmingham last week .
56 Typical of Geoff 's talent was the opening goal he scored to set us on the way to a Wembley victory over Everton in the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final in April 1991 , cleaving his way though The Toffees ' defence to head home from a corner and , perhaps partly because of Palace 's and Geoff 's success at Wembley , he was awarded his first full International cap when England travelled to Turkey for the European Nations Championship tie on May Day 1991 .
57 The exploits of private eyes Mike Hammer , Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade are eagerly devoured by a traditionally book-hungry population .
58 Economic indicators Budget deficit -US$600,000
59 Economic indicators GDP growth 3% ( 1989 )
60 Economic indicators GDP growth +4% ( 1989 )
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