Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 The city was fairly silent , quieter than usual due to the great tournament at Smithfield .
2 The choice is endless , from the quaintly historic to the truly exotic .
3 As previously mentioned , the use of CDAI as the criteria to assess clinical efficacy in the study of Locjs et al may be controversial due to the importance of the number of bowel movements on the CDAI score .
4 Spurgeon 's six Corinthian columns were kept but the number of seats was reduced to 2,700 due to the decline in the congregation after the great preacher 's death .
5 Extreme examples are provided by the Peruvian desert , normally very dry due to the cold northward-flowing Humboldt current along the coast .
6 This can now be identified as the first signs of the creation of a source of ‘ goodness ’ additional to that due to the ruthless forces of the struggle for survival .
7 The experimental limit on A given later in Section 11.5 is so that on Earth the acceleration due to the cosmological term is about 10–22 times that due to the gravitational pull of the Sun .
8 Usually , we can find at least one band to use as a measure of the amount of impurity still present : if is made from , the residual chloride can be detected by the only distinct band , that due to the Sn-Cl stretching mode .
9 This continues the series of major loan exhibitions from the British Museum to the University of East Anglia past subjects include Benin bronzes which have been made possible due to the high standard of the exhibition space , security arrangements and environment control in Norwich , which meets the Museum 's stringent loan requirements .
10 I asked for my husband to be returned from the Gulf but this was not possible due to the ground war beginning .
11 I just wanted to leave the tent , but as this was not possible due to the weather outside , I snuggled down in my sleeping bag and tried to make myself comfortable on the hard , stony ground .
12 At the end even the naval officer , all dressed in white , is murderous due to the war , which Golding felt very strongly against due to his participation .
13 ‘ Largemouth ’ is now almost extinct in the lake , and it is estimated that probably 50% of other species are also now extinct due to the introduction of the predatory Nile Perch as a food fish some 40 years ago .
14 However the workers ties to the countryside remained strong due to the seasonal nature of factory work , the close of factories to the countryside and the legal and family ties of the workers to the peasant commune .
15 Instead of developing four-legged galloping to the high pitch of perfection that horses ( and presumably litopterns ) did , kangaroos have perfected a different gait : two-legged hopping with a large balancing tail .
16 It would therefore not work satisfactorily if connected direct to the stereo unit output .
17 Recording with the A4 connected direct to the mixer again produced good results , but my comments on tone still stand .
18 IT MAKES little different to the autograph hunters who regularly congregate outside Broadcasting House whether the passing DJ plays the new Jason Donovan single or a session by a bunch of Japanese thrash merchants .
19 IT MAKES little different to the autograph hunters who regularly congregate outside Broadcasting House whether the passing DJ plays the new Jason Donovan single or a session by a bunch of Japanese thrash merchants .
20 b but I think some of the rural villages of today where this is gon na take place are n't all that different to the sort of
21 He must make that clear to the press .
22 The doctor is then ethically obliged to make that clear to the patient to whom treatment is being denied .
23 This must be equal to the integral over the surface were v is the velocity and — the density ; n is the outward normal to the surface S which enclosed V. By Gauss 's theorem we may write and hence Since this must be true for any volume element we have the equation of continuity The conservation of momentum in continuum mechanics relates the rate of change of the momentum integrated over a volume V to the resultant of the forces on that volume .
24 We need to find the magnetic flux through ring 2 due to the current in ring 1 .
25 The animals suffocate after being trapped in the nets , and the fishermen are reluctant to cut them free due to the high cost ( US$20 ) of replacing the nets .
26 The improvement tends to be more rapid than with an immature three or four year old due to the increased strength .
27 There are a range of job titles in use in most organisations , some inherent in design and production and some specific to the requirements of configuration control and computer operation .
28 There are a range of job titles in use in most organisations , some inherent in design and production and some specific to the requirements of configuration control and computer operation .
29 Despite the fact that relief trailers were provided for the homeless they remained empty due to the lack of available land on which to site them , yet the government refused to take over corporate land even for humanitarian purposes .
30 Introduced to European fishkeepers in the early 1930s , it is once again popular due to the appearance of a golden variety .
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