Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] the national " in BNC.

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1 It is equally possible for the National Curriculum to be used as an instrument for managerial convenience and prejudice .
2 SCOTVEC have embarked upon a programme of converting advanced courses , such as the Higher National Diploma and Higher National Certificate , into a modular form similar to that used for the National Certificate .
3 One attempt to assess the performance of publicly owned industries presents a picture of an average rate of growth of productivity per man very similar to private manufacture but , within that , very wide variations between a high for British Gas and a low for the National Coal Board .
4 Mrs Henry Sidgwick conducted one such survey of women students at Oxford and Cambridge , published in 1890 , and Dr Agnes Saville and Dr Major Greenwood another for the National Birth Rate Commission ( a lay body composed chiefly of clergy , peers and doctors ) in 1914 .
5 As production increased farmers had a growing surplus over their household requirements and sold an increasing proportion of their crop , reaching 60 per cent in 1985 and in 1988 , and accounting for half of the national marketed production .
6 Professor Charles Wilson views the effects of the Bubble as " salutary " , but considers that the taking over of so much of the South Sea Company 's excess stock by the Bank of England and East India Company perpetuated into the 1730s the situation in which more than half of the national debt was held by the great corporations .
7 Pateman naturally sought , and was given , assurances that his reduced salary , which was only one-half of the National WEA 's prescribed scale of £400 a year for District Secretaries , would be paid in full and on a regular basis throughout the year .
8 I hope that at least some of the national representatives on the Commission ( two each from Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland , and six from England ) will also be directly elected , but that 's the decision of the national associations . ’
9 To an extent , Mr Adair 's fears were reflected by some of the national press after the Report 's publication .
10 Some of the national Sunday papers include magazine sections , which are edited quite separately from the newspapers themselves .
11 And finally there have been some items in some of the national newspapers recently concerning university science parks .
12 That 's generally the message from some of the national surveys .
13 In the summer of 1911 the proposed unemployment insurance scheme passed easily through Parliament as Part 2 of the National Insurance Act .
14 Part 2 of the National Insurance Act authorized technical retraining schemes for adults , but this was not implemented until 1925 .
15 The rest of the book surveys the different scientific disciplines and highlights specific projects , mostly work done in the united States at one or another of the national computer centres sponsored by the National Science Foundation .
16 Remember , family planning is free under the National Health Service and you can choose whether to go to a family planning clinic or a GP .
17 There are details are of the way to do this in the National Certificate ‘ Guide to Procedures ’ and advice can be sought from my staff or from Field Officers . ’
18 And last night they were branded spoilsports after claiming not enough viewers are interested in the national game .
19 was a great man but the only problem was he left a vested interested in the National Health Service and that 's coming to the fore .
20 Video has a useful role to play in " interpretations of history " ( Attainment Target 2 in the National Curriculum for history ) .
21 Because regional health authorities will be concerned to prioritise resources , especially in the market-driven planning now prevalent in the national health service , they are more likely to be influenced by financial consideration than the clinical needs of a nursing staff trained in all specialties .
22 All family planning services and supplies on prescription are provided free on the National Health Service if you are ordinarily resident in the UK .
23 All family planning services and supplies on prescription are provided free on the National Health Service if you are ordinarily resident in the UK .
24 All family planning services , including sterilisation , are provided free on the National Health Service if you are ordinarily resident in the UK .
25 She could 've had the same thing free on the National Health !
26 It was implied , rightly as it happened , that such a policy was unlikely to be acceptable to the National Government and that a broad alliance must be formed in Britain to replace the Chamberlain administration .
27 Yet , the myth that Britain has historically been a stable , peaceful and law-abiding nation , and that violence is somehow foreign to the national character , shows little sign of waning .
28 Moreover , it was understood to be a crime which was entirely foreign to the national character , and in one of its earliest references to the affair The Times ( 7 November 1862 ) registered the compulsive feeling that the new crime was ‘ un-British ’ : ‘ When the outrages first commenced , it was doubted whether the crime was not of foreign importation … but the ruffians who have been arrested arc of pure English breed . ’
29 The tour in question is expected to begin in the summer of 1993 at the National Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C. , and then travel to Tokyo and Paris , if the Orphans Court of Montgomery County , Pennsylvania , allows the Barnes Foundation to override the indenture to benefactor Albert C. Barnes 's will that prohibits the loan of any works from the eccentric millionaire 's collection .
30 We hope we will meet members of the Medau Society at our 1993 Gymnastics World Championships in April 1993 at the National Indoor Arena , Birmingham .
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