Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [Wh pn] could " in BNC.

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1 Because of his betrayal of the Decembrists in 1825 and his long identification with the regime of Nicholas I , he had few friends on the left of the political spectrum who could advise him on the way in which emancipation should proceed .
2 Legend says it was here that Edward I showed his baby son to the Welsh as ‘ the native-born prince who could speak no English ’ .
3 Bradley is not the world 's fastest passer , but he is a durable warrior , a highly intelligent and brave footballer who could be just the man for the All Blacks .
4 Can it really be the case that there is no Conservative woman Back Bencher who could do a better job than some of the present Cabinet Ministers ?
5 Thus , just at the moment when the Battle of Verdun was about to enter its grimmest phase , the one man on the German side who could have put an end to the butchery was impotent to do so .
6 He wants to , but his attempts are thwarted by an old enemy who could harm his wife 's business .
7 " You should just see her , you ca n't imagine , you would have to see her to know why she chose it , " and all the time , as she spoke , some more assured , sophisticated account underran her words , silently , in her own mind , an account by some other girl , some girl who could wear such garments , and laugh at them , and explain them , and not suffer — some girl so far above such things that nothing could pull her down .
8 Gown despised me for selling my soul to a shrill shallow shrew , town for being an old fart who could n't satisfy his frisky young mate .
9 But this girl who could n't be more than twenty-two or twenty-three was going to do it , not he .
10 Was this Sir Ronald 's own change , or is he the victim of some editor who could not resist what H G Wells called the greatest passion ?
11 There 's nobody in this room who could n't win a sprint race against a sumo wrestler now , without any practice , even in stockinged feet you could do it .
12 And yet I do n't think there 's anybody in this room who could last a minute in a ring with a sumo wrestler because obviously being fit for sumo wrestling is quite different from being fit for sprint running , you need a completely different physique .
13 But what they were thinking of doing is taking on another person who could file plans away in the plan room once the , once sort of the midmorning rush of visitors had been cleared in , in Hudson House reception .
14 Then I was in the corridor , having an intimate talk with an old friend who could no longer stand .
15 Conversely , we would be impressed by another yogi who could alter these processes in his intestines on a word of command but made no claims to know what was going on down there from moment to moment .
16 ‘ Have n't you got some old aunt who could be suddenly ill and need you ? ’
17 He felt a sudden unwilling awe for this creature who could with such ease summon and bend to his will the terrible Stroicim Inchinn .
18 To my surprise this man who could not swim a stroke had covered a quarter of a mile towards Malta , judging by the fluorescine trail . ’
19 In fact a Mr Boothby said he knew of 10 prospective members whilst Mr Caldecott said he knew another man who could introduce 25 members !
20 The suit had been tailored for him in London , at a cost of some one hundred and fifty guineas — not by Edouard de Chavigny 's own tailors , Gieves of Savile Row , but by another man who could do a cheaper , and passable , imitation .
21 A solid reliable reporter who could be safely ignored .
22 I 'll never forget when he came home one night a few months ago and said he 'd met this old man who could tell fortunes by reading the dregs in the bottom of a beer glass .
23 It was somewhat similar with me ; the war was on , albeit far away , and I was missing it ; patriotism and duty did enter into the picture but I was chafing at the bit like Old Dobbin who could not bear to stay away from a fire !
24 But after his retirement , in interviews with Robert Mackenzie , and on many private occasions , he revealed a quite different side — avuncular , anecdotal , witty , an old trouper who could , when he was in the mood , move you to tears or laughter .
25 Another working-class London mother took pity on an old couple who could not work and had no pension , and lodged them rent-free .
26 You realize that there are probably only half a dozen big firms in this country who could actually laugh at a money panic now .
27 Military leaders in the sixteenth century who could not find wars to fight elsewhere might turn on their own sovereigns and fight at home ; there had been some decades of civil war in England after the English had been driven out of France in the middle of the fifteenth century .
28 Kingsley adjusted his dogcollar meaningfully and replied that he was an expert on the English language who could speak authoritatively not only on the matter of ‘ bollocks ’ but also on ‘ shit ’ or ‘ fuck ’ if required .
29 Irwin had a marvellous year last time and will be keen to win the Regal as will Derek Young , another rider who could look back on 1992 with a great deal of satisfaction .
30 Sunderland 's housing committee is to be asked to take over the property with a view to renting it to a would-be tenant who could buy it outright in future under the right-to-buy scheme .
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