Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [was/were] in " in BNC.

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1 Small though the total take was in 866 ( 4,000 lb of silver ) , the significant point was not its size but the fact that it was raised in cash through a generalised tax .
2 It seemed yesterday that the conflicting ideas would be sorted out by President Mobutu , and that a political settlement was in sight .
3 Merely persuaded that resignation was in my best interests .
4 For a show due to open for its first public preview in a week 's time The Hooded Owl was in far from promising shape .
5 The kidney-shaped ridge was in our hands .
6 The triumphant jockey , whose only previous win at Classic level was in the Italian St Leger , gave a victory salute with his whip when passing the post .
7 But that difficulty was in the end surmounted and , on the whole , the writing was easy and pleasurable .
8 I had a relatively easy morning , joining James and Cathy Lane once the 409 litres ( 90gal ) of Friesian milk was in the vat in the dairy at 7.30am ( they had risen at 5.30 to do the milking ) .
9 Right femur , tibia and fibula and bones of right foot were in anatomical with regard to each other , the limb lying stretched along the right side of the trunk but with head of the femur close to the skull .
10 ( c ) I do not think the Engdiv case , 1990 S.L.T. 617 assists Mr. Beazley , since both the pursuers seeking contribution and the defenders resisting it were parties to the building contract at issue in the case , so that it was difficult to resist the submission that the claim for contribution in that case was in a matter relating to a contract .
11 Never hard , the greatest difficulty was in avoiding the results of clumsy ice technique .
12 This morning I was imagining I 'd escaped and that Caliban was in court .
13 The largest reduction was in the number of elderly casualties .
14 The literary truth is that Modernism was in the end a starved and blighted world , joylessly based on a denial that language can depict the real .
15 However , that figure was in fact far better than it looked as the banks had the worst ranking of any sector , with an average negative rating of -1,357 .
16 Only in Flanders , where the comital demesne was in any case a large and solid block , was a complete network of prévôtés created before the end of the century .
17 The last time the Maronites promised reforms — when the multi-national force was in Beirut — Christian units of the Lebanese army arrested hundreds of Muslim Lebanese and the reforms never materialised .
18 A police spokesman said the stolen car was in poor condition with a broken rear passenger window .
19 To a politician the ability to do this kind of service was vital , and it was even more urgent if a political contest was in progress , lest the opposition perform the service .
20 The 1976 English House Condition Survey found that some 28 per cent of all unfit dwellings in England but only 23 per cent of total stock were in rural areas , defined to include settlements of up to 1,000 dwellings .
21 It seemed ( see , for instance , our Interim Report , 1988 ) that , right up to the moment when the repatriation of the Cossacks began , there remained a complete and unresolved contradiction between this insistence by 5 Corps and the reiterated insistence by AFHQ that force was in no circumstances to be used .
22 The Israeli action was in retaliation for a bomb attack , claimed by Hezbollah , which killed three soldiers on patrol in the Nabatiyeh area on Oct. 20 .
23 And a bloody car was in front like that .
24 In Cochinchina , as in Tonkin , French , Vietminh , and nationalist forces were in close proximity and as long as Vietnam 's political future was in doubt clashes were almost inevitable .
25 ‘ You 'd look lovelier if that jasmine were in your hair and not hanging off your shoulder like that . ’
26 This grant was in support of the conference .
27 Yet , if we take this together with the fact that many other forms characteristic of modern English spread in these centuries from the East Midlands and the North , we can advance the hypothesis that this change was in progress in the East Midlands around 1300 , and look for further evidence to support or refute this .
28 There was similarly a strong movement , in the late 1980s , to restore the historic names of ancient streets and cities ( the most spectacular change of this kind was in 1991 when Leningrad reverted to its original name of St Petersburg ) .
29 The foreign correspondent was in his early forties , well-built , of medium height and with light brown hair verging on sandy-coloured .
30 The site of this settlement was in Bredcroft or ‘ Bradcroft ’ meadow , and in the nineteenth century there was still evidence of its existence .
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