Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [be] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 They articulate the service conception of the function of authorities , that is , the view that their role and primary normal function is to serve the governed .
2 The second commonly used technique is to provide an independent or global overflow area which is used to store records added to any part of the file .
3 Its sole nutritional function is to supply energy .
4 Unless monetary payment is to pass from the wife to the husband ( for instance , as in a case where the house is in the husband 's sole name and the husband and wife agree that it is to be transferred to husband and wife and held by them upon certain trusts provided the wife pays the husband a sum of moneysee Chapter 7 ) , when the husband may require such money for his own purchase of another property , a contract between the parties would appear to be unnecessary .
5 The wisest course is to take off the bud and burn it — you will not get a bloom anyway .
6 Weighing it all up , Ramsay came to the conclusion that the chances of capturing the usurper at this stage were all but non-existent , and that their wisest course was to return at once with his dire news to the main Scots array in Annandale or wherever it had reached by now .
7 Remembering what had happened to me the last time I entered this unhappy house , remembering too that I was an escaped jailbird , whom most of the Frankenstein menage would not hesitate to give back into custody , I decided that the wisest course was to keep the place under observation and wait until I could be sure to speak to Victor .
8 A second possible change is to swap one exercise for another , for example sit-ups for crunches .
9 His first step towards that freedom was to tell the Zoo authorities that he could not work inside any of the cages or buildings or go where animals were confined .
10 Summing up the mood of the pro-reform lobby the NIAPA spokesmen said ‘ The next five years are going to be difficult but we must go onto reform if European Agriculture is to survive . ’
11 Our normal response is to look for a comparatively minor adjustment near the periphery ; if we can not see the cake when we expected to we would normally suppose , perhaps , that someone has eaten it , rather than that cakes now have a tendency to dematerialize .
12 Because after all the right decision is to find in terms of general happiness and so you would have thought that voting was the best way of finding out where their general happiness lies .
13 Well the money that we raised from there and also from another one was about three thousand nearly four thousand three thousand something and we presented er Tommy Cooper with the cheque on the Prince , the stage of the Prince of Wales Theatre , but that cheque was to buy a special ambulance for the children of Upshire , which is the home of the disabled and this special coach had erm places where you could wheel the children into the coach in their chairs with the clamps and those children that could be taken out of their chairs and put on seats put and had their belts put around them and that was the only way that these children were able to get out !
14 ‘ What we do to show due diligence is to take core food temperatures three times a day and record them in a log , ’ says the Dome 's catering manager , Michael Huntingdon MHCIMA .
15 It was hard enough for Fred Dunston in his capacity as treasurer to decide on priorities for what little money was to spare .
16 Hence , to ascribe the discernible shift in the 1970s from so-called monetarism to the force of domestic political change is to confuse cause with effect .
17 I suppose that look was to appease your sponsors and your fans . ’
18 Bukharin understood better than most that Stalin 's mania — as it was shown to be — for breakneck industrialisation was to bring many years of misery and suffering to all the Soviet peoples .
19 Max had heard from his office that I was seeking to speak to him and his friendly response was to telephone me himself .
20 Our sole function is to provide as much information as possible to our member organizations and to the general public on the environmental , social and economic impacts of gold-mining in the north Galway and South Mayo areas .
21 He had a hand-picked team whose sole function was to do just that .
22 He had a sneaking suspicion Philpott had members of staff whose sole function was to dig up the personal indiscretions of those people who could be beneficial to UNACO , then use them as a form of blackmail to get what he wanted .
23 It is less clear whether it can be used to measure plant area though a possible technique is to redesign its optical system to focus on a small area and then use it to scan a larger area , agreeing that a reading above some pre-determined level is ON , below it is OFF .
24 They also believe that their greatest responsibility is to support the future of the monarchy .
25 Adopting as a precedent the order made by this Board in Baksh v. The Queen [ 1958 ] A.C. 167 , 172 , their Lordships consider that this is a case in which the right course is to rely for that purpose on the judicial discretion and experience of the court in Jamaica .
26 One possible response is to deny that the purported differences apply to all women , or to all situations .
27 I felt a combination of unattractive and anonymous and I felt that the way to play that part was to forget about what he was and to think about what he wanted .
28 When one comes to look at the judgments in the American Economic Laundry case , it appears clear that the approach which the court was adopting in that case was to regard the tenant against whom a possession order had been made as a statutory tenant who did not have all the rights to protection conferred by the Rent Restriction Acts .
29 It was n't long after the conversation about the Ivor Novello Award that he became much more resolved that he did n't need Ken Pitt as manager , so I said to him that the only thing he could do in that case was to get an attorney who would break the contract .
30 We would be unlikely to conclude that the function of that component was to inhibit the emission of high-pitched whines .
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