Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The individual cow-pats are often still very hot and plastic when they hit the ground , so that as they pile up one on top of each other , they spread out further , and weld together , forming a solid mass known as spatter .
2 To the Gaijin rear Jotan 's five hundred were a solid mass cutting off the line of retreat .
3 This is caused by energy from a weak field pulsating in harmony with the resonant frequency of ion motion in a steady magnetic field .
4 A switch of a very subtle kind appears in another passage from The Night Watchmen .
5 Summing up his goodwill mission , Benavides said that the sharp differences between the two sides would only be overcome by a political decision made at highest level .
6 " It was a political decision made by the government and not by the Federation , " Bland said .
7 The Presidential Council initially appeared designed to supplant the CPSU central committee politburo as the main centre of political decision making in the Soviet Union .
8 One example might be the political decision taken in January 1991 that no one must wait longer than two years for an operation by April 1992 , irrespective of clinical need .
9 Functionally the political decision shown in the drawing may seem very similar to the refusal to make a decision .
10 Almost certainly this was a political decision aimed at maintaining good relations with the farming industry and unions rather than the result of a careful agricultural assessment .
11 He defied suspension under a gagging contract imposed by the counties on their cricketers — but which , I feel , the players should have refused to sign .
12 The embroidery , a pattern of golden lily-flowers dotted here and there , each one at a fair distance from the other , would be confined to the shoulder band and to a broad sash fastening at the back in as large a bow as Miss Dallam would tolerate , its ends falling to the hem of her skirt .
13 IBM 's Pennant Systems last week announced the extension of its Advanced Function Printing into the AIX/6000 environment and WISIWYG viewing on PS/2 screens under Windows .
14 An interpretation of a child 's language will be derived from some comparison between the child 's actual language and a descriptive framework incorporated within the assessment procedure .
15 Certainly the driver seemed satisfied enough , she accorded with relief as with a smile he pointed to an illuminated notice indicating that her hotel was at the end of a narrow passageway leading from the main street .
16 He was taken across the yard , down a narrow passageway lined with stuffed brown paper sacks of confidential waste , and through the door at its end into the Vine Street Charge Room .
17 Many have tried other companies ; they say our tuition is unbeatable , while our discreetly organised approach offers the widest possible freedom to choose between really interesting sailing activities .
18 Notice the narrow snout extending beyond the mouth which helps it to seek out small rodents , reptiles and invertebrates .
19 Lou had allowed her coal-black hair to grow into a softer , more feminine style that flattered her small features .
20 Only the Norman crypt remains as evidence of that church .
21 Most of the data available on human colonic motility originate from investigations conducted in the most distal portions of the viscus , because of technical difficulties in reaching its proximal portions .
22 At a time when galleries are retrenching or closing , it is nice to be able to report this exciting European link forged by the energetic Hue-Williams , and to note the arrival of Marianne Holtermann , private dealer in modern and contemporary art , who has opened an office above Bolger Carpets at 31 New Bond Street .
23 Fifthly , in the arena of foreign affairs , Hitler was commonly regarded as an upholder and a fanatical defender of Germany 's just rights , a rebuilder of the nation 's strength , a statesman of genius , and for the most part , it seems , not as a racial imperialist warmonger working towards a ‘ war of annihilation ’ and limitless German conquest .
24 The relationship between a response and its consequences , or the association between a conditioned stimulus and a conditioned response learned by watching others is described as vicarious conditioning .
25 But I , I liked the the first outfit she came on with that sash wrapped round her
26 This sort of task is very common in process control situations where the operator often makes a preliminary three-way decision corresponding to the worldwide system of red , amber and green traffic lights .
27 An unused kitchen located on the first floor of this block , provided the necessary space for a new Staff Room , Kitchenette and Toilets , with supplementary Staff Toilets , Lockers and Resources Area being located in the link to the three storey block .
28 MOST people would agree that drug dealing inside Buckingham Palace is a pretty serious crime by any standards .
29 Prison visitors seemed to acknowledge that drug taking among inmates is widespread .
30 He said : ‘ The fact that we are guaranteed a play-off place gives us a solid base to go to Molineux .
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