Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] example " in BNC.

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1 In the European Parliament for example we do have a nursery we have child-care facilities for seventy children which you do n't have in the House of Commons .
2 This definition of topic has a certain intuitive appeal , in the sense that what two participants are concentrating on , in their conversational talk for example , is a reasonable candidate for ‘ the topic ’ .
3 In an ideal world , it would now be the preferred method of evaluating brain pathology unless there were a specific contraindication for example , the presence of ferro-magnetic clips on intracranial vessels .
4 The question of keeping to convention versus innovating is particularly acute in this kind of example ; and on balance it may be a good idea to reformulate problematic sentences slightly so that they can follow punctuation conventions and be clear at the same time .
5 Erm I I think it 's difficult to quote examples off the cuff here er the er British Aerospace for example , I know that erm er the company has planned to introduce cellular manufacturing techniques for some components which will reduce the number of man hours that are devoted to the manufacture of that item an and given a level of throughput will do the job a lot more efficiently .
6 For example , the brutal effect of Example 141(c) can be changed considerably if we dispose the vertical components of each chord differently : Here , the harshness of the original , with its dissonant 2nds and 7ths , has been converted to much less discordant chord-successions .
7 Proposals on the minimum wage and protection of workers ' rights ( through endorsement of the EC 's Social Chapter for example ) if implemented might have helped prevent exploitation of the " peripheral " workforce although the market advantage of the knowledge workers would continue .
8 nothing to stop the defendants if they er wish to do so pursuing , preparing their counterclaim , erm , but the one thing it can not do , even if the English law for example set- off would otherwise permit it , er is to , would , would be to prevent the , the collection of funds , because if the English law was set off and did do that , that would be running contrary to the directive
9 It will carry out commercial work for example using the Dounreay Fuel Plants only if doing so uses facilities important for the government work and also reduces the net cost to Government .
10 It is also clear that there are highly specific ritual constraints of a universal , or near universal nature for example , nearly all cultures seem to have greeting and parting routines ( see Ferguson , 1976 ) .
11 This sort of example of partnership between schools is always of interest to the local press .
12 I will therefore follow Althusser 's associate , Etienne Balibar — who gives the clearest and fullest exposition of this idea — in discussing it with this sort of example in mind .
13 For the analysis of this sort of example we need to turn to the more poetic dimensions of style .
14 As fast as FAX and having user groups for just about every computer and software product around , it is becoming one of the main channels for passing information around the scientific community for example , much of the debate on Cold Fusion was carried out over the Internet .
15 Neutralizing agents are usually either acids or alkalis which neutralize the odorous gas on impact , so for example acidic gases such as fatty acids , sulphur dioxide , chlorine , hydrogen-chloride and sulphides and mercaptans can to some extent be neutralized by contact with sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate ( both alkalis ) whilst weak sulphuric acid or phosphoric acid for example can be used as a neutralizing media for alkaline gases such as ammonia or amines .
16 Clearly , you may also be able to persuade someone to lend you money if you have power of some sort — if they owe you a favour or if you are their boss or if you are in a position of some authority for example .
17 For a garment piece that is to be knitted in more than one stitch pattern ( a border followed by an all-over pattern for example ) , it is necessary to combine all the appropriate individual patterns into one large stitch pattern before integrating with the garment piece .
18 ‘ Kubla Khan ’ is the clear choice for example .
19 They 'd want to be sure the items had been reported stolen and the person who owns this suitcase for example , would need to know what was written on the other side .
20 The illustrations draw on the imagery of contemporary popular culture and the titles refer to current popular fictions , popular song for example , as in the 1940s reference to the Andrews Sisters ' song ‘ I 'll be With You ’ .
21 These myths mostly trace to his own misleading reminiscences later in life , and have been relentlessly reaffirmed since , at the 1959 centennial symposia for example and in the 1978 BBC-TV series on Darwin ; but they are nonetheless discredited by the scholarly industry now grown up around the rich manuscript archive from Darwin 's early years ( Kohn , 1986 ) .
22 Any object that an individual has had for a long time , a favourite book for example , has already been affected by that individual 's electrical impulses .
23 If you are going to eat in the kitchen make sure overall lights arc on a dimmer switch and that there is enough light over the table — use a rise-and-fall light fixture for example — which can , of course , be substituted for or combined with candlelight at night .
24 Occasionally you might like to indulge yourself in a little olive oil for example on salads ) and this is fine as an occasional treat .
25 Conversely , candidates whose questions show a high degree of motivation ( asking about further training for example ) and enthusiasm for the company and/or job will probably make the most satisfactory employees .
26 Well I suppose you would if you were buying the goods on credit but normally , for an everyday transaction buying some food for example , you would n't normally sign a legal document .
27 And one of the things we did this year for example .
28 And yet applying US standards in this country for example , could require a massive downward restatement of corporate profits and net worth , which would be resisted fiercely .
29 The law relating to marriage and sexual harrassment for example says you retain the sex you were born
30 Right erm I would just like to mention that it does n't say here that the A P C have set up er a separate er lobby group erm on which I have the honour to be a member with Patrick er to try and influence the MPs because one of the things which er is coming out and it 's it 's actually shown in paragraph three point three A at the bottom , the questioning whether the demand should be necessarily met or whether in fact , and this links to the government 's present erm reluctance to direct airlines to work from current unused capacity for example at , at erm at Luton and I think that there may well be some pressure put that er we should try and change that .
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