Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The conclusion to the argument will be that there is a specific form of violence of a political kind outside of state control which can not be reduced to crime .
2 1.2 In anticipation of the royalties that are payable under clause 1.1a the Publisher agrees to make a single advance payment of to the Author on signature and return of this contract .
3 Power is concentrated in the hands of the Revolutionary Command Council ( RCC ) , which elects the President ( currently Saddam Hussein ) by a two-thirds majority from among its own members .
4 German Greenpeace , the second-largest branch of of Greenpeace International , has been criticized for spending only a third of donations on campaigns and putting much of the rest aside .
5 There was a pungent smell from along the hall and some dogs barking out the back .
6 Erm and what we will do is make sure you 've got enough room for fifteen foot by eight foot with with whatever space in front of it as as a as a lawn if you like .
7 Er it 's now in this latest manual that 's just been published , is saying twenty five percent and clearly er the road achieves that so there is significant benefit as a result er in in that measure of of noise .
8 With strong support from within the university Smith was elected to replace him , though he himself felt that the other applicant should have been chosen .
9 More importantly , as long ago as 1981 the Labour Party itself acknowledged in a major Policy Statement that the SDLP is ‘ a moderate nationalist party with very little support outside of the catholic community , and no trade union affiliation ’ .
10 and we still use the same dining table , sideboard , chairs , dining chairs , mind you they , they that kind to of thrown out , reluctant to do it
11 Is that is that level of of un understanding er sort of part general within within the mine ?
12 So did anybody else have that experience of of of caring for children and parents , or or parents-in-law at the same time ?
13 That 's an unmarried daughter that you should be giving due recognition to for the efforts that she may have put in .
14 The new Marxist government was saved only by a Cuban expeditionary force of at least 20,000 men , with logistical back-up from the Soviet Union .
15 and indeed in terms of the low figure of of of thirty one thousand it it 's statistically conceivable that no local needs would be met .
16 He makes himself known with a tiny , metallic clink-clink-clink from within the bushes .
17 It makes an illuminating contrast having Ives 's much more idiosyncratic setting of At the River as well as Copland 's .
18 The older man , a moustachioed veteran of about his own age , rose as he entered .
19 He pulled a low seat from under the bed and gently eased her down to it .
20 The department enjoys the advantages of being a compact and friendly department of about one hundred and fifty undergraduate students , whilst belonging to a large Faculty of Science and Engineering .
21 Now , even where there is no mis-translation present , there 's still a possibility of a gap in perception and er s this research identified that gap in in perception was associated with er with poor outcomes , okay , whatever the particular problem was , that the bigger the misperception , the worse the outcome around .
22 In the teaching controversy he declared himself a strong advocate of at least fingerspelling and stressed the importance of training , knowledge of deaf people and experience of teaching in deaf schools as primary qualifications for teachers .
23 There 's also some murals on the walls , various artists did murals and of course they 've got this grant from for six thousand pound for a exhibition .
24 The grievances which the commons presented were not just their own but were shared by some amongst the magnates , and it is doubtful whether the commons ' will could have prevailed without this support from amongst the ranks of the nobility .
25 A considerable amount of freedom — I do n't think anybody would dispute that — but you are actually using public resources , you 're using erm highly expensive equipment , do you really not feel that in that situation some measure of at least financial control is essential ?
26 I mentioned this to no one for two practical reasons : one was that I loathed swimming , and if I pretended that I was still menstruating , signing the little red book every four weeks , I should be able to evade an unpleasant experience for at least one week out of four ; the other was that I feared further reprisals might be taken against me .
27 Within the Community both would have some protection from outside competition .
28 I have also been writing an evening class programme which a colleague and I hope to get some funding towards from the local enterprise culture .
29 In this case however there would be a proper framework for for that evaluation to take place .
30 some shit from over here :
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