Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [det] at " in BNC.

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1 Yes , I was right about that at any rate , thought Fenella .
2 This can be very restrictive , and may be unsuitable for those at work outwith Central Edinburgh , or those tied to the home during the day :
3 The association of periodontal index and total mortality reflects the findings of the periodontal classification ; the relative risk was 1.53 for those at the 90th centile compared with those below the lowest decile of the distribution of the index .
4 Even more so than he had done the previous time , I said did n't you hear this about this at the station meeting and he said it had n't been brought up .
5 One barometer of health — LTOM 's volume of contracts traded compared with the volume of underlying stocks — is less than half of that at the European Options Exchange in Amsterdam or the Chicago Board Options Exchange .
6 Mr Coates appears to have carried the can for a strategy that had the enthusiasm of some of those at the top of Barclays Bank , as well as of David Band , BZW 's chief executive , and of Sir Martin , who is also a deputy chairman of the parent bank .
7 Lead statues were often painted to resemble more precious stone or marble and some of those at Powis bore traces of their original white paintwork and have been repainted .
8 Anyone who heard some of the more extravagant pictures of apprenticeship painted by some of those at the original Edinburgh meeting , must feel slightly uneasy that the Association could turn into a Don Quixote tilting lances at imaginary windmills , pursuing ‘ causes ’ that are not a reality , and being antagonistic for the sake of it .
9 Over the years I and my colleagues have tried to point the finger at some of those at the centre of terrorist activity on both sides of the politico-religious divide .
10 Paul enjoyed the talk at the Professor 's house , the give and take of ideas ; presently he began to sketch out some of these at the lodging , and before many weeks had passed had a book on his hands .
11 The numerous surveys of ( their own ) " temps " conducted by agencies supplying secretarial and office staff ( see , for example , Alfred Marks , 1982 ; Reed , 1986 ; Manpower , 1986 ) , whilst suffering from selectivity bias and/or containing leading questions , show that a substantial proportion of " temps " are looking for permanent jobs ; but they also suggest that some of these at least are using their experience of temporary jobs to find out what sort of permanent work they would like .
12 Do you have some of these at nursery ?
13 They 've got quite a few of these at erm at , at the Railway Trust , they 've er they 've got a number of these signal boxes .
14 Nothing wrong with that at all .
15 Well I see nothing wrong with that at all .
16 There is absolutely nothing wrong with this at all , for many of the smaller companies it 's the only sensible way to go .
17 To add to the uncertainty , the age at which a person is considered old enough to vote may be different from that at which they are allowed to marry or fight for their country .
18 Where amounts are included in debt representing instruments in respect of which the claim that would arise on a winding up is significantly different from that at which the instrument is stated in the financial statements , the amount of the claim that would arise on a winding up should be stated .
19 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
20 The Cape Grim ozone record is very different from those at clean-air sites in the Northern Hemisphere — for example , elevated sites such as Mauna Loa , and Izania in the Canary Islands , and surface sites such as Mace Head on the west coast of Ireland — where a spring maximum is a dominant feature .
21 Similarly , they do not remain fixed : goals at 20 may be different from those at 30 and 40 and 50 years .
22 This agency , called the peer group , is probably the first means by which children encounter ideas and ways of behaving different from those at home .
23 Dublin was a happy town , Ellie decided , although Grafton Street , the main shopping area , she found a little disappointing because the shops were n't so very different from those at home .
24 It 's a good idea to be clear on this at the outset ; it 's also a good idea to resist the temptation to start shooting whatever catches your eye the moment you arrive .
25 Such phrases may be repeated many times with slight variations in each repetition , so that the phrase at the end of the sequence is quite different to that at its beginning .
26 Old people take up a disproportionate share of health and social-security resources and they are also a non-earning sector of the population , thus dependent on those at work .
27 ‘ Thought you 'd have enuff of that at school . ’
28 It is suggested above that no public library can satisfy demand for all these types of material — least of all at a time of diminishing resources .
29 Had I known that he intended to throw his claim to the leadership into the ring within a matter of hours , I would have tried to dissuade him from it then and there , for people never like being bounced , and least of all at a time of emotional stress .
30 They come up to meetings which erm , this goes on to say determine not to miss a single spiritual meal both private study , meeting attendance are urgent for all , there 's nothing new here brothers it 's all things that we 've heard before and this is why sometimes we can sort of nod off because we , we sort of think well I 've heard all this before , follow theocratic ways , procedures and policies not always easy to do , but it can be done , recognizing the organization that Jehovah is using keep awake by finding your place in God 's arrangement that is n't that little corner up there , by the way , we 're not talking about that one , but finding our place where we can work for Jehovah wholeheartedly do not quibble about assignments and arrangements I think we 're all guilty of that at some time are n't we ?
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