Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The figures which I have given , I hope , add up to a total for new accommodation of seventy one thousand , one hundred and fifty two pounds .
2 However , the departmental system of budgeting contains no mechanism to identify those individual parts , nor any mechanism to bring them together to give a total for orthopaedic surgery .
3 A few years later , Helen Gardner , in her inaugural lecture , lamented the ‘ pressure to publish ’ on people working in English studies : ‘ there is something peculiarly distasteful and peculiarly absurd about forced labour in my field .
4 Burying her face in Luke 's chest to hide her blushes , Perdita asked him if he knew the Spanish for Super Tampax , and if they could stop for some on the way .
5 It substituted Spanish for Austrian influence in southern Italy .
6 Blast is still going strong though , perhaps because its sound is too loud for wet fashion victims to handle .
7 Scotland 's only new acquisitions during the decade were twenty-one Class 318s , three-car versions of the Class 317 , to service the newly electrified Glasgow-Ayr/Largs routes , although 1989 also witnessed the first withdrawals proper ( apart from accident victims or asbestos units ) of the original Pressed Steel 1959 ‘ Blue Train' Class 303s , whose unrefurbished examples are due for early replacement by 100mph Class 321-type Class 320s .
8 ‘ … an ’ you 're due for Orderly Officer day after tomorrow .
9 But already operations on 35 patients due for orthopaedic surgery over the next two days have been cancelled , and more may follow .
10 ‘ He is due for immediate leave , I seem to remember . ’
11 The results of the simultaneous state and local elections in the neighbouring state of Hidalgo were not due for official release until Dec. 2 , but preliminary results indicated that the PRI had won 81 out of the 84 municipalities .
12 Also due for imminent release is the science fiction film Free Jack featuring Mick Jagger , and the Australian comedy Spotswood , starring Hopkins as a time and motion expert .
13 ROCKY ERICKSON is the subject of a tribute LP due for imminent release on Fire US .
14 ROCKY ERICKSON is the subject of a tribute LP due for imminent release on Fire US .
15 Digital Equipment Corp Alpha and R , Hewlett-Packard Co Precision Architecture RISC and IBM Corp RS/6000 versions will follow , with an Santa Cruz Open Desktop version due for Open Desktop 3.0 later this year .
16 The record Jennifer refers to is called ‘ Above , Below And Beyond ’ and is due for British release soon .
17 At a meeting on the estate Darlington council housing officers explained that 37 houses and flats in Eggleston , Dryburgh and Fountains View are due for large scale revitalisation work costing £350,000 .
18 Traditionally the Bank of England supported the discount houses , and thus indirectly the banking sector as a whole , by lending to them at a rate of its own choosing , known since 1971 as minimum lending rate .
19 That is what attracts investment from abroad and makes it profitable for domestic industry to invest as well .
20 Will he use this opportunity to ask British Steel to consider modernising the Dalzell plate mill in Motherwell rather than building an expensive new plate mill , which would be less profitable for British Steel ?
21 Given that the sale price of both types of coal is essentially the same , it is very profitable for British Coal to shift production towards opencast .
22 The library as place was taken seriously , and comments from staff and students showed the importance of the physical ( and psychological ) environment , variously described as civilised , welcoming , stimulating : ‘ It 's a place to have peace and quiet ’ ; ‘ The library is comfortable , and there is a nice atmosphere which is right for private study ’ ; ‘ I like the lively feeling of the place .
23 Well firstly the bill did n't have that rough a passage in the House of Lords , because there are only two basic amendments , er that we 're dealing with in the House of Commons that matter , and one of them is the one you 've just mentioned , the answer to it is this , er I 've had a lot of criticisms of giving B R the untrammelled right to bid , er right from the outset their criticisms to do with the danger that you would n't get competition for the franchises the private sector would be afraid , and incidentally this is not a sell off it 's it 's a way of getting the private sector into British Rail with all the advantages that brings , they would be afraid that they would face subsidized and unfair competition , above all , perhaps , British Rail ge=management would feel if they were bidding against their employer that would be a real discouragement to bid , and we 've a lot of evidence er that they feel that and that there are many who do wish to bid in management/employee buy outs , so what we 've done in the amendment is we 've preserved the right for British Rail to bid , but we 've dealt with those criticisms and worries which have come from a lot of quarters not least from within British Rail itself .
24 ‘ Sensation Blush ’ is a new shade available separately in their unique geraniums and just right for soft colour combinations , while Clarkia bottae ‘ Pink Joy ’ is a lovely white-eyed hardy annual .
25 This is understandable for actual evidence can be only archaeological , and that means that such evidence would have to be of a concrete nature .
26 As long as they are aged 18 , they do n't care how old school governors are : what a pleasingly ironic relief to find schools , devoted to children , are more relaxed and progressive about old age than many other bodies .
27 Here a late-19th century district of five or six storey apartments arranged along narrow gridiron streets was suffering from many of the environmental problems characteristic of inner-city areas — lack of greenery , unsafe junctions , chaotic parking conditions and fast traffic , much of it rat-running between neighbouring traffic generators such as the railway station to the south and the four-lane Rhein Allee to the north .
28 The scheme is less helpful for the person who is handicapped from youth and has no experience of work , and it is not always suitable for those who are unused to and ill-suited for industrial work , for example , those from clerical work or service trades .
29 What comes to the fore through Gandhi 's strictures on the attitudes and methods of certain Christian missionaries is that it is possible for religious zeal and enthusiasm to lead to activities inconsistent with the religious and ethical ideals or values one might be seeking to promote .
30 In Figure 6.3 the rapid increase of speed with depth in the outer 10 or 20 km is due largely to the increasing compaction of a fragmented medium as the overburden increases : it is not possible for solid rock to give this behaviour .
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