Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It would not be surprising if the surplus were now between £200m and £300m , giving a total for the newly enlarged BTR group of about £750m .
2 Having hinted at its defects on several occasions , I feel the time is now right for a more detailed examination of the various editorial ‘ improvements ’ .
3 I did what I thought was right for the most precious thing in the world to me .
4 Thanks to a growing body of business writers , executives are only too aware that , like it or not , they have the dubious privilege of being alive during a once in 200 years revolution that is transforming the business world .
5 It is indeed possible for a theoretically single item to have more than one location simultaneously , typically the case with temporary locations and compound objects .
6 The technical advances of recent years have made it possible for a particularly skilled artist , such as Matt Yuricich , working for instance on the final rooftop confrontation between Deckard ( Harrison Ford ) and Roy Batty ( Rutger Hauer ) in Blade Runner , to reduce the number of generations of film going into the composite ( ie action + backgrounds ) by imitating the colours of film rather than of nature ( or , in this case , of the concrete jungle ) .
7 While most are manufactured in handy sizes to make popular-sized pools , it is quite possible for a little extra expense to have one made to personal specifications .
8 This has little effect and the courts will still regard the contract as one contract ( albeit a severable one ) and therefore it is possible for a sufficiently serious breach to be a repudiation of the whole contract , Smyth ( Ross ) v. Bailey ( 1940 H.L. )
9 It 's possible for a really thick outdoor sweater or jacket , but beware if you want to make a full length coat !
10 To illustrate this , it is relevant to remember that driving a car is possible for the fully sighted in foggy conditions , but it is a more tiring procedure than driving when visibility is good .
11 It does little for the already low standing of politicians in the public esteem for Major to say effectively that they did not have plans to raise taxes then and they only did it because it was necessary .
12 His ministry did little for the more difficult problem of the ‘ residuum ’ .
13 They had to be more specific about the traditionally accepted forms of behaviour , customs , occupations and particular national characteristics .
14 Nevertheless I felt his efforts to provide a visiting Canadian friend with as much colourful information as possible about a rather dull and isolated town was admirable .
15 ‘ You must have been asleep for a very long time , ’ he said .
16 Yet the Italian should perhaps be grateful for a more discriminating anniversary review of his achievements in place of the flood of notes and words which almost submerged Mozart 's genius .
17 Jazz skewered up his hair with a few of Mrs Nicholson 's hairpins and the three of them shuffled and clacked respectively for home , grateful for the now emptier streets .
18 The values range from very low for the virtually insoluble helium to very high for the highly soluble ammonia .
19 Third , the ‘ bureaucratic bourgeoisie ’ , inflated in numbers and enjoying large incomes by African standards , paid for by copper exports , is in control of the state apparatus and decision-making ( see Szeftel 1980 for a more detailed and sophisticated analysis ) .
20 They formed in 1980 as a purely instrumental jazz-funk band and their excellent playing always kept them interesting as a live band : I know ‘ they can really play their instruments ’ is a boring credential , but it can count for something .
21 When the Dada brochure , Cabaret Voltaire , was published in June 1916 it was ‘ a catch-all for the most diverse directions in art which at that time seemed to us to constitute ‘ Dada ’ . ’
22 These efforts proved to be in vain for the most part .
23 He tells me of the only time he has seen his mother drink ; her infant grandchild vomited on her coat , and she spouted a fine , volatile performance , screaming Christ Almighty the cross a woman has to bear , taking the Lord 's name in vain for the very first time .
24 As schools increase in their heterogeneity , those that serve areas where there is a concentration of disadvantage will watch helpless as the more motivated , more able , more ambitious children move to the favoured schools , leaving them to cope with the rest , and worse , suffer the ignominy of having their results on national tests published , protected only by a general statement from the local authority , indicating ‘ the nature of socio-economic and other influences which are known to affect schools ’ ( Task Group on Assessment and Testing , para 134 ) .
25 His first act was to sign Chris Woods for £1.2m , and since then he has added Chris Waddle for £1m , Mark Bright , Nigel Jemson and Paul Warhust , each for a little less , and Chris Bart-Williams at the age of 17 for nearly £400,000 .
26 For these reasons it is the delightful little Concerto which comes over with the greatest conviction though the recording acoustic is far too resonant for the essentially intimate character of the writing ; and the sound in general affords too much prominence to the continuo which booms away in a far from discreet manner .
27 The evidence for genetic inheritance is much less strong for the less severe forms of depression .
28 Take that as a no then .
29 How how about that as a very practical suggestion or as you say perhaps finding
30 Her ribcage lifted and her chin tilted up in self-defence to warn him off , but he seemed to interpret that as a provocatively brazen invitation .
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