Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] these " in BNC.

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1 Like so many women , her own painting work would happen when and where possible between juggling these different roles .
2 Dalton was fond of contrasting these numbers with the half million total troops thought likely to be necessary in peacetime by the war-time Coalition Government .
3 George Orwell was particularly fond of striking these contrasts between the ordered stability of the past against the awfulness of the present , and he was also thoroughly wound up in the myths of English civility : ‘ The gentleness of the English civilisation is perhaps its most marked characteristic ’ , he wrote in an essay of 1940 , ‘ Everyone takes it for granted that the law , such as it is , will be respected , and feels a sense of outrage when it is not . ’
4 well Akhenaten took it even further and it was an offence punishable by death to even say the word gods and if you visit Ancient Egypt and walk around the ruins , you will occasionally know they were fond of putting these hieroglyphic erm er inscriptions over everything .
5 The use of an evolutionary approach such as this in explaining these phenomena is itself not new .
6 At an emotional meeting earlier this week , Terry told me ‘ I 've lost touch with the modern game , Les , nobody seems to be interested in drinking these days , all they want to do is get on with the football . ’
7 Hence , governments interested in reducing these disparities have introduced various taxes on large wealth holders , directed in particular at reducing the extent to which large accumulations of wealth can be passed on to the next generation .
8 In objectification , the artefact appears to be instrumental in linking these major processes of abstraction and specificity .
9 He hoped to achieve this by superimposing these mental activities upon the simple reaction time , SRT , and then subtracting the known value of the SRT from the total reaction time to give the duration of this mental activity .
10 So we might in fact simplify this by saying these are the enabling factors if you like , to leave home these are the motivating factors pulling us to a certain destination .
11 He 's an engineer , does n't know the first thing about literature , but Puddephat makes it all sound scientific by using these very long words .
12 But Veronica had stopped short , perhaps embarrassed by making these revelations to a stranger , and Loretta had a distinct feeling that she was expected to go now .
13 We should be cautious about using these results to argue that verbal pretraining does not influence performance on a recognition memory test .
14 While individual speakers may be quite consistent in using these features , none of them is universal and no systematic research has been done to show how widespread they may be .
15 Most people would agree that the institutions of the labour market are central to understanding these issues .
16 Both he and Eadmer had written their Histories down to 1120 without mentioning these texts , and it was only from the Canterbury monks that William of Malmesbury now learnt that these were the texts quoted by Lanfranc fifty years earlier .
17 Do you think there is not a danger in going too far too fast in developing these chemical compounds ?
18 Some have tried to appear natural by mixing these chemicals with plant extracts .
19 The leaders of the community and the religious élites differentiated themselves from society at large by adopting these virtues ; monastic communities had come into being dedicated to their observance .
20 Directory enquiries were better about answering these days than they had used to be .
21 A question-answer drill is useful for learning these vocabulary items : When learning verbs , ask your language helper to act them , or act them yourself , so that you associate the verb you are learning directly with the action it signifies .
22 The classical multifactorial model is useful for considering these observations , even though its requirements may not be fully met .
23 Patients are entitled to receive accurate information about their treatment and the risks we ask them to take ; they also have a right to withhold consent from such treatment if they feel unhappy about accepting these risks .
24 One has to make sure of finding these out first .
25 Did he never grow tired of making these accusations ?
26 Our study shows that bFGF , even at a dose that did not affect gastric acid secretion ( 30 µg/kg/day ) , was also effective in healing these lesions .
27 To be effective in fulfilling these strategic objectives investments must provide demonstrable improvements in primary and community health services for Londoners .
28 If practitioners can become aware of and able to understand and transcend these complicated messages from research , however , not only may they become more confident in reflecting on their knowledge when making such judgements , they may also become more confident in discussing these complexities and difficulties with both other professionals and the wider public , thus enhancing social understanding of the day-to-day realities of work in this area .
29 Since most of those involved in organising these commemorations were also involved in NICRA , and both were initiated by the Wolfe Tone Societies , the events illustrate how deep-rooted was their belief that it was possible to bring about unity between workers in both communities in Northern Ireland , provided the right political formula could be found .
30 Thus it includes both lexical choice — choice of words from the vocabulary of the language — and the grammatical choices involved in combining these words into sentences .
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