Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Other writers are less hesitant about attempting to describe what a fully developed professional is like .
2 I was already feeling depressed about having to diet and I had n't heard of yours .
3 Australian studies confirm the effectiveness of campaigns to reduce smoking with major mass media components ; the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation has made it possible for Quit to afford such components .
4 One point Airtours is anxious to make is that it is normal for discounting to take place during May , June and October ; children are still at school and tour operators try to tempt others to book their holidays .
5 The two control sample carers ( Mrs Mitchell 's daughter and Mrs Wilkins ' nephew ) were both still quite definite about wanting to see their relative in institutional care ; Mrs Mitchell 's daughter said that she was becoming more and more anxious about her mother being at risk at home ; and Mrs Wilkins ' nephew saying that she was more than ever in need of care , and the strain upon him of having to cope with her difficult personality was making him wish even more acutely for institutional care .
6 Do not feel at all shy about seeking to correct any figures that you think are perhaps in error .
7 Sorry about having to rush off like this but I promise I 'll be free tomorrow . ’
8 Getting pissed off trying to apply for jobs ( I have n't applied for any yet and I 've missed loads of deadlines ) just thought that somebody out there may have a high flying job for a graduate ( preferably in leeds ) that pays loads of money .
9 Although an owner may feel guilty about having to make this decision , guilt should not be confused with responsibility .
10 Suzy Lamplugh vanished in 1986 after going to meet a Mr Kipper at a house in Fulham , West London .
11 Julie 's language is interesting ; implied in what she said is a hard/soft dichotomy ; philosophy is seen as being less serious , less important than ‘ hard ’ theory ; she is slightly embarrassed about wanting to do something which is apparently less difficult ( and by implication more trivial ) than straightforward theory .
12 I can remember being made to kiss these strangers , even when I was say about nine , eight or nine , I can remember feeling quite embarrassed about having to do it
13 I got to be careful about remembering to switch it off .
14 This began to make her feel less afraid about agreeing to marry him , and telling him the truth about herself .
15 Brown himself was expelled from the Obstetrical Society in 1867 for failing to obtain the consent of his patients and their husbands to the operation , rather than for his methods per se .
16 As we have seen , by 1948 the British government seemed to have modified its attitude , and many thought the time to be more propitious for attempting to pull Britain more firmly within the European orbit .
17 That mining might mean the end of the road for the town , with a population of some 6,000 people , did not unduly worry the man from the Department of Economic Development — Northern Ireland ( DEDNI ) , Ivor Greene , who told the Irish Times ‘ If it was decided that the time was proper for mining to proceed , Ballymoney could disappear but the people would be well compensated if it came to that ’ .
18 The court heard that Davies was jailed for nine months in 1985 for threatening to damage by fire Department of Heath and Social Security offices .
19 Under certain circumstances a person will be liable to another for failing to exercise a required duty of care .
20 Tony had decided not to go out with them , as he felt self-conscious about having to borrow money from his father to pay for drinks .
21 Either way he has come a long way in a very short time , especially for someone who left journalism for PR at the age of 22 after failing to break into daily newspapers .
22 Like a plucked daisy , it was a ragged sort of circle , and Rolande and Ydrys were resentful of having to play when they would sooner dance .
23 You can leave the top edge of some windows free of draughtproofing to allow a little ventilation .
24 It is amusing but totally unhelpful of understanding to regard all these events as legally ineffective for want of constitutional vires .
25 It is afraid of intimacy , afraid of happiness , afraid of having to feel gratitude .
26 Such people are often branded as ‘ NIMBYs ’ ( Not In My Back Yard ) , but there is nothing wrong with seeking to safeguard the beauty of the place you live in .
27 There is , of course , nothing wrong with trying to look your best , but for the born-again Weldon to refuse to see anyone unless she spent half the day in the hairdressers and then proclaim that she 's only doing it to further her career ( oh , please ) smacks of hypocrisy of the very highest order .
28 " What 's so wrong with wanting to defend what 's yours ? "
29 There 's not much wrong with having to undo three screws at the back , although those machines with a lever or clip system are obviously easier to get into .
30 You will not be driven like the commercial nursery into getting as many as you can per acre ( hectare ) , and can therefore afford to be a little more generous with spacing to give yourself room to move about more comfortably .
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