Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] when it " in BNC.

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1 In a similar way , ‘ mat ’ might be a neutral word for you — unless , perhaps , you are a member of the Islamic faith when it may be associated with your religious observances , or ( at a lower level ) you may have just lost a great deal of money in an investment in floor coverings !
2 But earlier this month , the PAC appeared to have abandoned armed struggle when it agreed to attend next month 's renewed multi-party constitutional talks .
3 ‘ It is peer pressure which has the greatest weight when it comes to children deciding which toys they most want , ’ said Nielsen marketing director Colin Buckingham .
4 ONE of two teenagers killed in a stolen car when it crashed into a tree in west Belfast will be buried on Saturday .
5 The weight of the lorry , see the lorry weighs something itself so its total weight when it 's got its load on is eight hundred plus a hundred times the number of engines on it .
6 Once in the adult world of work , the underclass faces further discrimination when it comes to selection for the primary or secondary labour market .
7 Most of Ray 's cows were grazing in another field when it happened but those he lost were his most valuable .
8 It 's another story when it comes to their managers .
9 Only the Barrier is new : a long row of big silver bathtubs upended in the water , waiting for that one freak high tide when it must stop London sinking beneath the rushing sea .
10 And the other tide will be the anti high tide when it 's on the other side of the earth .
11 There have been moments during the argument in this case when it appeared to be suggested that the court had to do with a grave case involving what is called the right of public meeting .
12 ‘ There have been moments during the argument in this case when it appeared to be suggested that the court was being confronted with a grave case involving what is called a right of public meeting .
13 Labour accused him of mis-using a public building when it was revealed 300 Conservative women attended a coffee morning at 11 Downing Street , organised by his wife Rosemary .
14 What price then that metaphysical guarantee of social differentiation when it is so easily abolished in the confusion it was supposed to preempt and render impossible ?
15 Leaf it off asks BR Landscape architects have had a special request from British Rail when it comes to tree planting alongside a busy branch line .
16 ‘ I mean , let's face it , he was a good leader , but a right miserable old prune when it took him . ’
17 Clay retains a record of the intensity and direction of the earth 's magnetic field when it was last fired , because on heating the magnetic oxides in the clay align with the prevailing magnetic field .
18 The government had attempted to regain public support when it honoured the martyrs of the 1956 Hungarian uprising against Communist rule , also in October .
19 However , I have tried to display some broad-mindedness when it comes to the subject of witchcraft .
20 Therefore we have a control mechanism to bring down blood-sugar level when it begins to reach unhealthy peaks .
21 But I also felt that the guitar became a different instrument when it was turned up to maximum and fully distorted — it was no longer a polyphonic instrument , really .
22 Richmond bureau was prompted into this action when it felt that it was losing advice workers because of the tensions involved in the work and because insufficient support was given to alleviate it .
23 This verb is used in the Old Testament when it means the salvation of God for his people .
24 she , she knows this car when it goes by
25 ANNA FORD is quite right about women getting a raw deal when it comes to television presenting .
26 Distorting and painful killer when it spreads .
27 One of the reasons for difficulty in diagnosing this condition when it first occurs is the apparent similarity of the symptoms that it produces to those associated with cystitis .
28 The joint is in this condition when it is finally judged ready for the table .
29 The mechanism that captured the attention of the micro industry when it first appeared in the Sharp CE-150 printer was the four pen printer/plotter .
30 In other words , pre-exposure to the stimulus may both retard the acquisition of the CS-US association and act to interfere with the retrieval of the information embodied in this association when it comes to a test trial .
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