Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] which [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I assume you 're using the word ‘ nice ’ in the true sense of ‘ neat ’ , as in the neatly ruthless deals I 'm sure he 's notorious for clinching , or the neat asset-stripping technique which I dare say he 's renowned for ? ’
2 Paul Thompson ( 1967 ) sees the triumph of Labour as a constructive coalescence of the mature proletarian class consciousness which emerged with the displacement of small-scale production and an effective LLP , while Julia Bush ( 1978 ) , concentrating on the experience of East London , argues that during the first world war socialist activity and the growing confidence and strength of the trades unions enabled the LLP to establish a solid base which it exploited to the full when hostilities ceased .
3 Although such volumes endeavour valiantly to stress her various charitable works , especially among the enslaved and oppressed Indians , and her experiences of a mystical marriage to Christ , Rose of Lima 's real claim to fame and sanctity was the extraordinary life of violent and self-inflicted penance which she maintained from extremely early in her childhood until she died .
4 For instance , Peter Schmeichel 's rainbow-like shirt which he wears for Denmark costs around £35 , and the slightly less garish one he models for Manchester United the same amount .
5 Paragraph 19.172 states : ’ There is , however , one specific measure which I am satisfied I should support .
6 Mr Michael Fallon , who is also schools minister , said it was an historic change which he had been working on with Catholic bishops since November .
7 In addition to mainstream training funds , we secured over £500,000 in European funding which we matched with other partners in the city to increase the level and range of training available to both companies and individuals .
8 Under a new agreement signed between Morocco and the EC on March 21 , 1990 , Spain would pay Morocco compensation for the economic damage which it suffered during the blockade of Algeciras which was normally extensively used by Morocco , and certain matters pertaining to fines were clarified .
9 In the Esso case Lord Reid said " as the whole doctrine of restraint of trade is based on public policy its application ought to depend less on legal niceties or theoretical possibilities than on the practical effect of a restraint in hampering that freedom which it is the policy of the law to protect " .
10 These data were supplemented by the radar ‘ looking ’ sideways at the surface , a rather subtle technique which I shall not describe .
11 From a devotional text which he carried in his pocket throughout the war , Potter seems to have been a devout Puritan .
12 As one of the UK 's largest botanical libraries , it is also open as a reference library to any member of the public who needs to consult the specialist botanical literature which it holds .
13 Isabella entered almost immediately into her husband 's publishing business , and within a year was writing on domestic matters for the EDM and had begun the ‘ four years ’ incessant labour' which she claimed Beeton 's Book of Household Management cost her .
14 You make me say things which should remain unsaid , you pressure me on an emotional level which I find difficult to control .
15 Mr Rusk replied that the inference that the United States had decided to abandon the Republic of Korea to its enemies was scarcely warranted in the light of the substantial material aid and political support which we had furnished and were furnishing to that Republic .
16 But , like Horsley , Everett was immediately infected by the challenge of the project and the admirable enthusiasm which it represented , and he put himself out on a limb to help .
17 Her breath and his rose into the air in clouds and there was that peaty smell which she had last smelt at the florist 's .
18 The thrust of the prosecutions case is that Mr How , who had offices in Gloucester , Cheltenham and Worcester , used money which his clients believed to be safely invested , to pay for high risk property deals , which fell through causing his customers to lose almost two million pounds betwen them .
19 The Ibrox side are resigned to being without the Englishman for the European Cup showdown with Marseille on 7 April because of the automatic one-match ban which he must serve after his sending off against Brugge on Wednesday night .
20 The average Council Tax payer , the council tax ca n't be more than , around four percent erm which reminds me of the last miracle budget we had , ninety eighty nine I think it was , again a Labour budget which I think was three point nine per cent increase then and the lowest rate of increase for twenty years erm and the highest level of growth erm .
21 And she cried out as a cascade of fireworks seemed to explode deep within her , before their bodies , now moving in perfect unison , recaptured the fierce , tumultuous pleasure they had always shared in the past — the total consummation which she had been denied for so long .
22 That would be a major constitutional and economic decision which we could not possibly take here and now .
23 Then , with a mocking look which she was beginning to detest as much as she detested him , he asked softly , ‘ Ever hear of the Norwood & Chambers contract ? ’
24 A large vibration creates a strong wave which we hear as a loud noise , while a small vibration produces a faint sound .
25 ‘ Mr Beckenham merely wished , if he could , to find and remove that impediment which he believes to stand in the way of a — er — union between you . ’
26 In this case , a plaintiff bought a used car which he was told had something wrong with the clutch and oil pressure gauge but that neither would be serious .
27 Lancashire County Council leader Louise Ellman said the document drawn up by the North West Regional Association which she chairs would have an impact on everyone in the region .
28 In the passage just cited for example it is striking that Cixous includes the Hegelian dialectic in the forms of political oppression which she describes .
29 Drawing a number of bolts , she opened its door and withdrew from the interior an elderly , moth-eaten wig which she flourished in front of Huy .
30 The raging optimism which it had instilled in him last night , under whose influence he had finally escaped from Merymose 's story , was now replaced by a simple whimpering plea to whatever god listened to self-pitying hangover sufferers just to let him be all right again , his own man , as soon as possible .
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