Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] at these " in BNC.

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1 Isolated PHB powder , which is about 70% crystalline , has no C-NMR spectrum at these temperatures .
2 Following the collapse of the Roman economy , we can distinguish the re-emergence of commercial activity at these emporia , which were close to royal centres , connected to areas of production and consumption abroad , and based largely on luxury goods like gold , silver , jewels , furs and wine .
3 Ooh let's have a little look then , let's have a little look at these teethies .
4 The National Gallery is promoting ‘ Great French Paintings from the Barnes Collection ’ as an unprecedented look at these pictures , for the first time in a conventional museum setting .
5 He won his class by two seconds in a remarkable battle at these speeds and leads the Midland Championship after two rounds .
6 The establishing of national assemblies in Scotland and Wales and of regional assemblies in England could serve to stimulate a feeling of national identity at these levels , but this would still leave something of a lacuna at the United Kingdom level .
7 Shoreditch 's tip : do n't put any money on either party at these boring odds .
8 Now take a good look at these ‘ better thans ’ , and see how ridiculous they are .
9 Later , after work , I got a pretty good look at these new pants of ours , as Tod stood before the full-length mirror unknotting the plump Windsor of his tie .
10 Let's have a closer look at these two — viscosity first .
11 But in order to fully answer the question ‘ what is aromatherapy ? ’ , we need to take a closer look at these amazing aromatic oils .
12 Not surprisingly , a closer look at these resources indicates a similarly widely varying distribution .
13 In the first of a two part series Simon Garrett takes a closer look at these medieval windows in ’ Light on the World ’ .
14 Okay , let's have a closer look at these , Right , just , read a few of those words there , why do you think have a ring around some of those words ?
15 Such a religious focus perhaps indicates the primary function at these sites , in contrast to those where the temple occupies a somewhat subsidiary location in the known plan .
16 to You need to have a good go at these .
17 The 1991 Crime Bill would virtually end the federal courts ' power to hear appeals by death row prisoners and cancel their right to legal representation at these appeals .
18 That would be his usual role at these parties .
19 Erm , I think the Director has advised me , and he 's had more experience at these matters not to respond to that , and
20 But before looking in more detail at these developments we must clarify the focus of our argument .
21 We now look in more detail at these everyday images of families in Britain .
22 Yet a cursory look at these systems reveals that in practice the police still influence the process greatly .
23 It is plain from even a cursory glance at these figures that , after a slow start , CD-ROM is becoming a remarkable success .
24 In contrast , infusion of taurodeoxycholic acid at these concentrations inhibited ileal motor activity .
25 Instead of giving a clear internal height of 6.9 ( 22–1/2ft ) ( extending up into the apex of the roof space ) , headroom beneath these two trusses was reduced to 4.4m ( 14ft ) at the junction of their curved braces with the tie-beams , thus denying the opportunity to install two storeys of habitable accommodation at these points .
26 ‘ Are you any good at these war game things ? ’
27 Indeed it is a very good thing that this is so , because research shows that very few pupils leave school with any competence at these skills .
28 This can only be due to Coleridge 's awareness and heightened sensitivity at these moments , which cause him ponder on his very means of creation and that of the emotions that cause him to write , which are therefore in a positive sense creative forces .
29 Transmitter substances appear also to be released at neuromuscular junctions : there is evidence that glutamate is responsible for transmitting excitation from nerves to muscle ( e.g. Beranek and Miller , 1969 ) and that GABA may act as an inhibitory transmitter at these sites .
30 A suitable plane at these parameter values turns out to be the plane , which includes C+ , and the return map obtained , for r-values just less than and just greater than , is shown schematically in Fig. 6.7 .
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