Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is a striking coincidence that in the same year that Aethelbald came to power among the Mercians , the assassination of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in Northumbria and the accession there of Coenred also broke the entrenched power of the family of Aethelfrith which had dominated the kingship of the northern Angles for more than seventy years ( see below , pp. 47 ff . ) .
2 In the Reich the various German patriotic societies were designed to combat ‘ Jewish influence ’ , which was seen to be both ethnically alien and racially inferior , and also to be at the very heart of the economic change that at once afflicted and enriched German society .
3 We should like it to be officially proclaimed by each university that in all its examinations the quality of the English written or spoken by candidates , especially its lucidity and its fitness to the subject , will carry great weight with examiners .
4 We have locked them away , in the vain hope that by doing so we could make them disappear .
5 Professor Mathias correctly sees the high demand of the war years for cereals as keeping agricultural wages up with prices , but they started from such a low level that in years of scarcity like 1795 and 1801 they could hardly have sustained life .
6 A clean design versus an evolved hodge-podge that in ‘ no way is ever going to be unified . ’
7 It appears from the context that this is not intended as a limitation on the use of ‘ judicial channels ’ but rather as a preliminary observation before a specific provision that in such border cases legalization is not required .
8 What is it about them that speaks to you , that calls forth such a strong response that at the end you feel satisfied , nourished , as though something new had taken place ?
9 Is not the significance of that reply that in a Community of Twelve , investment in this country is as much as that in the other Eleven put together ?
10 It is clear from that figure that at the price level P the level of actual aggregate demand is Y 1 , whereas firms initially wanted to produce Y n .
11 The parallel is not exact , but it underlines the usual perception that in education/industry partnerships education tends to receive while industry tends to give .
12 It is one of the paradoxes of contemporary political thinking that at the same time as much conventional theory has tried to restrict the idea of democracy to that of choosing a government from competing elites , it is also widely admitted that the theoretical sovereignty of these democratic governments is not in fact matched by their actual powers over society , particularly in relation to the vast conglomerate firms and multi-national companies on whose policies and decisions the employment and livelihood of so many millions now depend .
13 It should be apparent from this case that in assessing what damages are recoverable ( i.e. within the rules in Hadley v. Baxendale ) for breach of a term as to quality , one does not ask simply ‘ What type of damage could the seller at the time of the contract have predicted ? ’
14 Whitelocke replied with brutal honesty that in his opinion , ‘ it should be more to his prejudice than advantage to do so ’ , a remark that , predictably , displeased Cromwell .
15 It wo n't be lost on anyone concerned with the application of this settlement that despite the Secretary of State 's earlier remarks as the democratically controlled public sector , represented by local government , faces further cuts .
16 The children , on the other hand , were the focus of much anxious attention — often of an intrusive and insistent kind that in itself became a kind of professional abuse .
17 It is our express hope that through the development of business and language awards we can help to support those organisations which are relative newcomers to competitive world markets .
18 It can be estimated from this experiment that at least 100 to 150 bp of DNA have been added to the ends of the linear plasmid .
19 But what is of greater Baldwin significance is the clear indication that at this stage he had developed little of the pervading antipathy to wards Lloyd George which was to be the making of his own career .
20 And such was the momentum of the new German scholarship that by the beginning of the nineteenth century Germany had become the European centre for classical studies , traditional as well as new , and an unprecedented growth in the scale of scholarly work of a host of different kinds well under way .
21 The " I am lay " is a very old ritual that in other countries you can only read about in history books . "
22 It will be seen from this extract that at a baptism sometimes both parents ' names were recorded , but occasionally only the father 's .
23 While I do not want to detract from the bilinguals ' versatility or the value of their multicultural experience , I will argue in this chapter that in fact monolinguals have broadly the same range of linguistic " powers " as bilinguals have , though sometimes these are manifested in other ways .
24 This is an impressive performance which provides a clear demonstration that through the provision of a comprehensive and carefully targeted range of marketing support schemes , the IDB is helping local companies of all sizes to develop their international competitiveness , expand their exporting capability and market share and win significant new international business , thereby creating growth and sustained and stable employment .
25 Alan Moses QC , prosecuting , told the Old Bailey that after evidence from Mr Clark which was ‘ not consistent ’ with his earlier statements , there was no longer a case to answer .
26 MacKenna J. held that there was an implied term that in such a case the seller was not completely excused from all performance but that the buyer had the option of accepting delivery of the reduced quantity , at a pro rata price .
27 Deep inside her had been awakened a nameless , primitive fear that at first had ached away in the background , but slowly had grown more evident , more pronounced , like a stared-at , half-perceived figure in the shadowy corner of a bedroom .
28 So powerful were the effects of this philosophy that to those who looked down from a higher level in society , the suffering became invisible ; or if not invisible , then transparent , and their view was not arrested by it but looked through it at what they took to be economic verities beyond .
29 ‘ 8(1) Subject to subsection ( 2 ) below , of any two specimens of breath provided by any person in pursuance of section 7 of this Act that with the lower proportion of alcohol in the breath shall be used and the other shall be disregarded .
30 Half a century later , such commentary as there is on Pound 's poem is still for the most part concerned with this question that for Bunting ‘ does not arise ’ .
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