Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] is if " in BNC.

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1 But the other thing that you have to er be erm very clear about is er on on the monetary side is if there are two signatories to the cheque , right ? both of them need to have signed it .
2 A high resistance is if there 's a tiny little peep hole
3 ( This perception is if anything stronger in the popular culture in the USA , where it has bred an academic response in the form of the Extrovert Professor who can take on anybody , physically or mentally ) .
4 The only exception I would make to this rule is if there are special guests who actually should be ‘ on-show ’ because they enhance the programme , for whatever reason .
5 The only circumstance in which a particular entry will not be available to a properly authorised lexicographer is if that entry is being edited by another lexicographer .
6 The only way we can get a public enquiry into this site is if the land owner resists the actual purchase and the enquiry is into the compulsory purchase order .
7 you know , part of me was thinking well just a minute you know this service is if blind people can offer describers , but on the other hand people are entitled to go away on holiday
8 And the last aspect of this sir is if you were to erm have a strategic site policy which as I was alluded to in my opening remarks , really is a chance for the planning system to catch up with what is actually happening in this county .
9 ‘ The only way a girl like you gets on in this world is if she has something worth selling .
10 We have n't been trying hard to persuade the Garrimperos to adopt different technologies , more modern technologies that would avoid the contamination of the mercury , but as I said I believe the only way of reaching this goal is if we can organize the Garrimperos to have er a kind of er institutionalized way of exploiting gold , not the sort of gold rush i that is being on and on On and off in Brazil for two centuries right now .
11 For interactions only with the four orthogonal neighbours , again the same qualitative regimes are found ( here the interesting regime is if self-interaction is included , and if not ) .
12 The indication of a possible error is if the lexical look-up produces no allowable candidate strings , or if all candidates at a word position are rejected by further stages of analysis .
13 So the trade lock for this extra transcription is if you do more than , or if you do a lot , erm do the same introduction , but your essay , the body of your essay , erm , can be very short , the body of your essay , erm , about one paragraph only , you 're just going to need to do something quite short , and your conclusion on the insights is what , is what is going to be important .
14 Now the very simple thing is if we just stop doing this other project and get the T As back down on to , if , if we need to do that .
15 my o my own personal view is if we just pay the fifteen and it 's sort of off in there straight away and then spend but not to sort of say , well you can spend it and update it ca n't you ?
16 But the real fact is if this council regards elderly persons homes as the priority it pretends then it has to be the first priority for that money .
17 A sign of taking too much salt is if you find it difficult to remove the salt cellar from the table .
18 I 'm sorry erm as far as the schools are concerned you had presumably a lot of contact I mean as part of the national curriculum is if if you like is to build contact with the community and the schools .
19 Okay that basic architecture is if you want the vanilla sort of architecture for the entrical stuff .
20 He says the basic idea is if you understand what 's going wrong then you can design any therapy sensibly not on the hit and miss basis it 's been done in the past .
21 To establish good communication with the guests is part of this job ; they are paying for service and how much nicer that service is if it is given with a smile by a person who takes a personal interest !
22 The great thing is if you 've got faith in the stuff if you have n't got faith , you need n't bother with it .
23 What confounds that argument is if the group can inflate its value before signing with anybody , either on its musical merits , or by ‘ hyping ’ a reputation .
24 Our house in the hills is now closer to the beaten track : Batuan 's painting community has grown much larger , and more sophisticated , but its exuberant creativity is if anything richer still .
25 The classical thing is if somebody comes up to you and asks what a physicist does , that 's the hardest question to answer .
26 Bill said : ‘ My only worry is if his former lover , the Penthouse model Gennifer Flowers , turns up on my doorstep .
27 The general rule is if it looks bad , it probably is bad , so let's get it right .
28 So the first point is if you 're going to show something show it , let everybody deal with it let everybody look at it then when you 've finished with that turn it off because you want the centre of attention to come back to you , presumably .
29 Well , the only trouble is if you did put that one I must admit .
30 Yeah , the only trouble is if I take students , they want to do their washing
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