Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We 've got one corner of the garden out the front and if the wind 's in the right direction it neatly puts them all together .
2 That is an important concession but one which will be wasted if the Government does not accept that part it now has to play .
3 This mean that as it has already applied to run that route it only now needs clearance from the British government .
4 The Via crucis ( composed some thirteen years later in 1878 ) was clearly intended as a far more imposing artistic statement , and listened to on that level it undoubtedly succeeds .
5 What 's that bear it any longer
6 In this case it just happens to be true . ’
7 Waldendale means the dale of the Welshman , Welsh being a word once used to describe any foreigner , though in this case it probably refers to the last remnants of the Celtic peoples who retreated to this dale in the face of Norse and Anglo-Saxon expansion .
8 At the very worst it 's someone to talk to , and in this case it probably saved his life .
9 In this case it no longer has to annihilate with its partner .
10 This unexplained characteristic of RJ2.2.5 was previously reported ( 5,8,13,14 ) ; in this case it further confirms the derivation of AR from RJ2.2.5 .
11 In this case it still forces the COPY device to read each file in turn .
12 In this case it really is like drawing inside a kaleidoscope .
13 I speak it , and appear to understand it , and give and take orders in it , but on some level it just is n't sinking in .
14 Although a picture of NCC confusion emerged from this study it still held out the hope , if only by implication , that more rigorous thinking would achieve better results .
15 Most of the time with this car it simply is n't important : in town and at up to 50mph , performance is sufficient , not least because it is so responsive , so effortless .
16 here we are articifial snow it even makes snowballs … hope you 've enjoyed our ski-ing this afternoon next week we 're out on the River Thames for the Boat race
17 With Hitchock in this mood it already looks a good signing and Porterfield said : ‘ We are not bringing the Russian to take Kevin 's place .
18 When photographed with adequate equipment it really does recall the outline of the North American continent ; it is dimly visible with the naked eye in the guise of a slightly brighter section of the Milky Way , and binoculars show it clearly as a large region of diffuse nebulosity .
19 This is not to imply that the mid-nineteenth-century ( male ) bourgeois ( or those who aspired to be like him ) was merely dishonest , preaching one morality while deliberately practising another , though patently the conscious hypocrite is more often to be found where the gap between official morality and the demands of human nature is unbridgeable , as in this period it often was .
20 When it comes , in Chapter 6 ‘ A review of some major issues ’ , to this point it simply declares : There is in this assertion more sound and flannel signifying not very much than there is substance .
21 As the toga increased in social importance it also gained in size , though it clearly remained a difficult garment to wear .
22 They begin by observing that if you scratch the bark of this tree it immediately exudes beads of milky latex .
23 No doubt some will stay on to summer in Shetland and encourage us to hope that some day it too may be found nesting .
24 Out of this theory it also follows that the uniqueness of each individual construct system necessarily means that there can be no straightforward response to a stimulus but only a multiplicity of interpretations .
25 It 's some game it really is .
26 Even at this size it completely outclassed most Rutland villages , quite two-thirds of which had populations of fewer than 150 .
27 In the past the case has been based on the wish to delay in unstimulated life it home or admission to a training centre .
28 If you were dealing with a foreign national it often paid to have a representative of a Great Power , like Britain , at your back .
29 Even in its most calm state it still resonates to brain waves that vibrate at eight cycles per second .
30 Yeah because I mean if there , if you 've got a high instep it still do n't matter because you only widen your laces do n't you ?
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