Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] to have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 To me , he had to be pretty unsettled inside to have to put on all this and that .
2 Though it would be a great personal sadness to have to do it , it would nevertheless give her the greatest satisfaction to see Kirsty settled in a warm and loving family .
3 In fact , she was still sufficiently under the weather the following week to have to pull out of England 's Intermediate Championship which was won , at Warrington , by Lora Fairclough .
4 What a sad thing to have to say .
5 It was unusual for a chief super to have to give evidence of the discovery of a body .
6 The location of silage tower , clamp , or pit is important with relation to feeding : it can be a great disadvantage to have to cart silage some distance to the feeding-point .
7 It was not a good place to have to wait , this time .
8 A total lack of musical skill combined with a total lack of imagination is a terrible thing to have to sit and listen to .
9 So erm so give it a go anyway and see what happens erm and it 's no great hardship to have to y'know kind of do it in two or more sets I would n't have thought y'know it 'll it 'll probably still work .
10 It is a harsh punishment to have to walk the glider all the way back , particularly after a cable break where the glider lands in the middle of the airfield .
11 Yet it is hardly convenient for patients in areas with growing population to have to travel to Inner London for routine treatment .
12 It 's an embarrassing thing for a fault-tolerant vendor to have to say , but a bug in Guardian for the Tandem Computers Inc NonStop CLX machines caused them to reset their clocks to December 1 , 1983 on November 1 , causing systems with time-dependent programs to go haywire .
13 It was a ghastly thing to have to do — in Liverpool of all places .
14 ‘ It 's an awful thing to have to admit , ’ replied Samantha Lightbody , ‘ but I 'm afraid I missed it . ’
15 The change in the price of maize was intended to encourage increased maize production at a time of shortage when the country had to import large supplies from Rhodesia : a politically humiliating thing to have to do .
16 Worse still , in their programmes of records , of which there are many , it is common practice to have to endure several minutes of discussion on the item to be played .
17 Manual workers are not the only occupational group to have to cope with imposed controls .
18 ‘ After eight months , I recently won an admission from the BMA that our proposals in the White Paper would not and could not cause any doctor to have to refuse any patient medicines which that patient would need .
19 It was not unusual for a single employer to have to negotiate with five or more of the more than 300 trade unions .
20 On the other hand , they know that the price of preserving their communities in the way that they want will be too high for their own country to have to pay .
21 It was a monstrous way to have to work in such a complex field .
22 It would be difficult for me or for any other minister to have to defend leaving things unchanged in these other areas if the affect of having done so was subsequently to lead to a case of fraud in an investment firm , building society or insurance company which the existence of the duty would have helped to prevent .
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