Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] or give " in BNC.

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1 Around the end of the silent era and in the early sound days , the glass was actually in front of the camera during shooting , possibly adding storeys to a low building or giving a view of non-existent distant hills , or whatever was required .
2 They readily accepted the challenge of the Initiative by seconding senior staff to the Scottish Council or gave generous and substantial in-kind assistance to the project .
3 And all the men wanted to take Aileen dancing or give her presents .
4 Some children had received a laxative , and when given , it was either given in minimal dose or given for too short a time .
5 While the French and West Germans believe a supra-national system for regulating the EC economies should be subject to democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament , Chancellor Kohl wants this agreed and in legal form before other changes are made to the Treaty of Rome to create the proposed EC central bank or to give the EC Council of Ministers powers to override national governments .
6 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co–operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
7 Pat Palmer is asking everyone to co-operate — if you have not yet filled in a pink form or given verbal class details to your Area Organiser will you please forward these details to the Office by early August so that we can have a comprehensive up-to-date class list ready to meet all enquiries for the new season .
8 In coming to a conclusion on whether these proposals should be called in for his determination , my right hon. Friend will consider the proposals in terms of whether they raise issues of national or regional significance or give rise to substantial controversy .
9 In the absence of any express directions the parties are expected to adduce their evidence in the following order ( FPCR , r21(3) ; FPR , r4.21(2) ) : ( i ) the applicant ; ( ii ) any party with parental responsibility ; ( iii ) other respondents ; ( iv ) the guardian ad litem ; ( v ) the child if there is no guardian ad litem ( or he is conducting his own case or giving instructions to a solicitor on his own behalf ) .
10 I 'd now like to talk about places where stamps can be bought , whether for your own collection or to give as gifts .
11 Erm , so what I promised to do in er er , a moment or two if people are to ask specific questions or comments to make arising from either of those printed reports on page six and page twenty erm , if you would make your point or ask your question now er , it will be recorded and transmitted to the officers responsible and they will take any necessary action or give any reverent replies to those questions .
12 Despite his phenomenal energy the sheer size of his dominions inevitably meant that it could be months or even years before he was free to deal with a distant crisis or give his officials the support they needed against a major local potentate .
13 He finds time for them , always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ear or give some friendly confidential advice .
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