Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] have to do " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Still another difficulty has to do with the specific words the counsellor uses .
2 I will attempt to show that answers to this question have to do with the almost hidden insidious nature of modern life .
3 What did this place with its low houses and deserted air have to do with him ?
4 Another reason has to do with the relative imprecision with which those theories that , arguably , are more susceptible to direct testing are couched .
5 Of course , the success of this lesson has to do with more than structure ( indeed , I am not suggesting that structure is all a teacher needs to know about ! ) .
6 Each of the three hypotheses making up the theory of determinism to be expounded in the first part of this book has to do with mental events , which is to say events within consciousness .
7 trained and nevertheless it is a disturbing thing and the development of this County has to do , not only with businesses succeeding and also with people who are actually making those businesses work and the only way you can do it is by having people employed doing useful things .
8 The second kind has to do with the conceptual coherence of the theory that the empirical investigation is designed to support .
9 The second change has to do with gravity .
10 The other kind of schematic knowledge has to do with mode of communication .
11 Though it would be a great personal sadness to have to do it , it would nevertheless give her the greatest satisfaction to see Kirsty settled in a warm and loving family .
12 The second reason has to do with a simple fact of communication .
13 A second aspect has to do with the degree of expectedness or unexpectedness of a choice .
14 The second conclusion which follows from this evolutionary view has to do with the concept of justice .
15 The Labour leader has to do that after the Budget — an art Neil Kinnock never mastered — but it falls to the Shadow Chancellor to reply to the Autumn Statement .
16 A B Ed student must , therefore , undertake an academic study as part of his/her training ( just as the certificated teacher had to do in the 1920s ) .
17 All the little man had to do was stand up and take one pace forward , parting the branches .
18 This attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor Mum has to do all the washing , is really quite , quite misguided because it , it does encourage those assumptions that mothers are there to tidy up after sons , and of course then sons when they grow up and get wives want to replace their mothers .
19 They are very tolerant about boys ' mess in the home and untidiness generally , and in a sense they lay the foundations right from the very beginning of boys growing up to think of women as kind of household servants — this attitude , you know , boys will be boys and they make a mess and poor mum has to do all the washing .
20 All Dot had to do was smile pleasantly and stand a little behind because , as Gloria pointed out , Princess Margaret was n't nearly as important as Princess Elizabeth and would never become a queen .
21 All Bonanza has to do now is stay out of sight until a good tale is dreamed up to account for two of his boys getting mixed up in this thing last night , and a few unimpeachable witnesses to make the tale stick , and we all go back where we started . ’
22 A fourth example of a causal belief has to do with someone 's being taught to drive by a prudential instructor , whose car has two brake pedals , each moving the same single connecting rod .
23 ’ . If nearly half of all science has to do with the military , it is surely tautological to refer to this as a perversion of science .
24 ‘ It would be naive to think that all a Labour government has to do is increase revenue support , encourage greater investment and Britain 's railway system would automatically catch up with the best in Europe , ’ he said .
25 One reason has to do with learning to read .
26 It was a ghastly thing to have to do — in Liverpool of all places .
27 The change in the price of maize was intended to encourage increased maize production at a time of shortage when the country had to import large supplies from Rhodesia : a politically humiliating thing to have to do .
28 Each science has to do with its own genus , or ‘ kind ’ , which is divided by ‘ differentia ’ into various species .
29 It is not the case that we name one condition as cause because it is different from others in any respect having to do with the relations of which we know .
30 A universal set of features is an attractive idea , but the price one pays is that each feature has to do many jobs , and the meaning associated with it gets spread thinner and thinner , like a small amount of butter on a large amount of bread .
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